A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis

The test results revealed that my communication style is a “thinker.” In the workplace, I notice all the details that are important for the correct completion of a task, which many colleagues ignore. I am guided by logic rather than intuition when making important decisions. I pay attention to the consequences of my actions and perform fact-checking rather than blindly trusting my feelings. All of these strategies help me in avoiding mistakes at work. However, my type of communication is characterized by shortcomings such as too much concentration on details and being unemotional (Aiello, 2018). Many colleagues consider me a closed person, and sometimes it is hard for me to make friends at work. In addition, I often find myself spending hours trying to get into irrelevant aspects of a project instead of tackling the actual tasks at hand.

To overcome the difficulties caused by my type of communication, I practice communicating more often with my colleagues. Sometimes during my work, I have questions related to what I am currently doing. Lately, instead of searching for the answer on the Internet, I have been asking my colleagues and mentors to help me. In addition, realizing that I seem unemotional to many people, I try to be more open about my feelings. Before, when I was angry at what was going on, I would shut down and keep my emotions to myself. Now I prefer to talk about the problem while maintaining a positive attitude and expressing my position in a non-violent way. I no longer ignore when my colleagues tell me that I focus too much on the details. While I do not discount the latter’s importance, I realize that sometimes I have to pay attention to the fundamentals rather than the minutiae.


Aiello, M. (2018). What’s your leadership communication style? The Global Health & Fitness Association. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 11). A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis. https://assignzen.com/a-thinker-communication-style-analysis/

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"A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis." AssignZen, 11 Apr. 2023, assignzen.com/a-thinker-communication-style-analysis/.

1. AssignZen. "A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis." April 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/a-thinker-communication-style-analysis/.


AssignZen. "A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis." April 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/a-thinker-communication-style-analysis/.


AssignZen. 2023. "A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis." April 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/a-thinker-communication-style-analysis/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'A “Thinker” Communication Style Analysis'. 11 April.

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