Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics

The author studies the abortion problem by applying the concept of disgust and exploring its impact on the whole debate about this ethical issue. Kumar argues that the pro-life community defines the abortion seekers, as well as the procedure and service providers, as associated with disgust. The author reflects on the triggers of this emotion, as well as underlying reasons, impacts, and ways of eliminating it. The politics of disgust interfere with women’s reproductive rights and contributes to harmful stereotypes in society. Therefore, this source can be useful in exploring the abortion stigma and addressing it reasonably.

The author examines feminist ethics and introduces its central concepts to the reader, such as the definition of feminism, its descriptive and normative nature, and the notions of gender, equality, power, and morality. Lindemann argues against the common misconception of feminism as a movement concerned about equality, inequality, or women. Instead, the author explains that the whole theory is based on the considerations of gender and power, which operate through social institutions and practices and disproportionally approach women and men. This source can be relevant to the abortion research paper as it focuses on the underlying processes and powers that operate in society and define the normal world order. Lindemann rediscovers the nature, role, and impacts of people’s moral behavior and thinking, which makes the ideas highlighted in this work applicable to the problem of abortion and associated ethical concerns.

This book applies critical thinking techniques to the abortion issue to improve one’s understanding of the problem, analyze different positions and arguments, and figure out which are effective. Nobis and Grob test definitions, compare the strengths and weaknesses of statements, and claim that calm critical thinking and logical reasoning behind ideas imply that abortions should be legal. The primary argument the authors make is that one’s right to life does not equal the right to someone else’s body which makes abortion a morally permissible action. The approach to criminalizing not morally wrong actions would be unjust and illegal. This book will be particularly relevant to the research paper as it considers both sides of the abortion argument and applies critical thinking to them to make a concluding statement.

This source applies the framework of undue burden to the ethical concern around the abortion problem. Scott explains this concept as a significant obstacle created by restrictions for women seeking abortion services. Namely, the author discusses parental involvement and waiting periods as the primary obstacles that present an undue burden for women. The subject is analyzed from the perspective of feminist ethics, which emphasizes that institutionalized systems cause a disproportional impact on individuals seeking an abortion, who have less power in society. This article is relevant to the subject since it questions the unconstitutional nature of obstacles imposed by the institutionalized society and affecting women’s lives.

This article contributes to the abortion debate by claiming that the problem of unwanted pregnancies should be solved as a priority over continuing the discussion over pro-life and pro-choice positions. In this regard, Shermer reviews the two methods for achieving that, such as birth control and abstinence. While the reasonableness of abstinence is refuted since physical desire is integral to human nature, the importance of education and modern birth-control methods is emphasized. A high percentage of unwanted pregnancies and abortion rates in certain regions are generally associated with people’s lack of education and access to adequate contraception. This source is relevant to the research paper as it discusses the ways of solving the abortion problem while recognizing and supporting women’s reproductive rights.

Works Cited

Kumar, Anuradha. “Disgust, Stigma, and the Politics of Abortion.” Feminism & Psychology, vol. 28, no.4, pp. 530-538. Web.

Lindemann, Hilde. “What is Feminist Ethics?” An Invitation to Feminist Ethics, by Hilde Lindemann, McGraw-Hill, 2004, pp. 135-147.

Nobis, Nathan, and Kristina Grob. Thinking Critically About Abortion: Why Most Abortions Aren’t Wrong & Why All Abortions Should Be Legal. Open Philosophy Press, 2019.

Scott, Samantha. “The ‘Undue Burden’ of Restrictions on Abortion: A Feminist Bioethics Analysis.” Sound Decisions: An Undergraduate Bioethics Journal, vol. 3, no.1, 2017, pp. 1-10, Web.

Shermer, Michael. “Abortion Is a Problem to Be Solved, Not a Moral Issue.” Scientific American, Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 17). Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics. https://assignzen.com/abortion-and-related-concepts-of-feminist-ethics/

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"Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics." AssignZen, 17 May 2023, assignzen.com/abortion-and-related-concepts-of-feminist-ethics/.

1. AssignZen. "Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics." May 17, 2023. https://assignzen.com/abortion-and-related-concepts-of-feminist-ethics/.


AssignZen. "Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics." May 17, 2023. https://assignzen.com/abortion-and-related-concepts-of-feminist-ethics/.


AssignZen. 2023. "Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics." May 17, 2023. https://assignzen.com/abortion-and-related-concepts-of-feminist-ethics/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Abortion and Related Concepts of Feminist Ethics'. 17 May.

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