Analysis of Nature vs. Nurture Concepts

Introductory Statement

There has been an ongoing debate concerning the connection between nature, child development in genetics, and the environment. In regard to child development, a relationship has been found linking the hereditary nature of children to their environment. Heredity denotes the ability of children to acquire the genetic makeup passed on from their parents. The genetic makeup has been used to explain why individuals respond to the environment differently and have different talents and abilities which resemble those of their parents. Although this is a scientific process that no child can defy, certain environmental factors facilitate heredity. This explains why children born of the same parents may demonstrate different adaptabilities depending on their immediate environments. Scientists have classified the environment into physical and social, offering other genetic-environmental correlations. This paper analyzes a scientific journal on the nature vs. nurture debate and connects it to the textbook account of child development on the topic of heredity.

Article Summary

The ability of individuals to inherit and express specific genetic characteristics has attracted the attention of researchers globally. Sravanti (2017) approaches this topic by evaluating how stability and plasticity have been used differently to demonstrate the connection between individuals’ genes and environmental adaptation. Sravanti’s (2017) article is structured in an appealing way taking the reader from the general understanding of the topic to the in-depth comprehension of scientific connections through analogy. Although the nature vs. nurture discussion has been ongoing for decades, scientists have developed explanations that seem to conflict. According to Sravanti (2017) understanding, this scientific link is crucial for child development, both now and in the future.

Gene constitution and expression are two concepts that, though connected, have different implications in child psychology. Sravanti (2017) begins by defining nature as the biological makeup or rather the genetic predisposition of individuals, following hereditary connections. He distinguishes it from nurture by defining the latter as the environmental factors determining genetic expression. Essentially, Sravanti (2017) argues that genetic expression is a factor of a person’s biological makeup and the surrounding elements that facilitate or hinder their expression of inherited traits. The expression is determined by both the environment in which the individual grows and the social factors therein.

Although human beings are distinguished from other biological elements by their intellectual complexity and different abilities, growth and development seem to follow a similar trend. Sravanti (2017) develops the connection between child development and plant growth in an analogy that shows the impact of environmental factors on genetic expression. Although every plant can grow into a large plant with a string trunk, its environment in line with nutrients and soil composition determines how well a plant grows. Sravanti (2017) concludes his article by proving that just like a plant, nurturing a child’s abilities will facilitate the expression of inherited genetic characteristics. This information is closely connected to the textbook approach on the environmental influences on child development in social science.

Connections to Textbook Information

Research is an ongoing process, and although different scholars may approach the same topic differently, there are distinct points of connection between them. Sravanti’s (2017) views on nature vs. nurture discussions are related to the textbook approach on the same, as presented by Paris et al. (2021). While both relate to child development, they approach the topic from two different viewpoints: nurturing through the plant analogy and biological, genetic makeup illustration. Paris et al. (2021) take a more scientific view of the nature vs. nurture link to show that genes and chromosomes are primarily responsible for a child’s development. After demonstrating how chromosomes divide and separate to constitute an individual’s particular makeup, the authors connect the information to the different expressions impacted by the environment. This is important as it facilitates comprehending the interrelationship between biological influences and social sciences.

Human development is a complex process having multiple dimensions of research areas. Paris et al. (2021) add to Sravanti’s (2017) information by showing that what the latter called genetic makeup and expression is actually heredity. Both authors agree that a child can only express what they have acquired during their initial developmental stages before encountering any environmental interactions. Paris et al. (2021) take the discussion further by demystifying three genetic-environmental connections that explain various patterns of behavior in human beings. In their first category, Paris et al. (2021) explain evocative behavior whereby a person’s character determines how society and the environment respond. The second category shows how individuals also seek environments that support their genotypes. This information proves Sravanti’s (2017) point showing why plans adapt to different ecosystems. Lastly, Paris et al. (2021) explain that parents can alter their children’s genetic expression based on their environmental predisposition. Essentially, both authors demonstrate that the environment progressively influences nature.

Personal Response

Society constitutes individuals with different biological and social traits that influence their interactions with the environment. Sravanti’s (2017) article helps me understand why people from the same background express different traits. The extent to which a child is nurtured in particular dimensions determines how well they will grow and develop their in-born talents acquired through genetic heredity. I now understand why growing in specific geographical locations tend to portray similar characteristics, although they may be from different ethnic groups, from Paris et al.’s (2021) account of niche picking. The relationship between individual human traits and the environment is multidimensional. Sravanti’s (2017) article and the textbook provide clear links between child development’s biological and social dimensions. This information is crucial for my future roles in society because I can nurture people to express their abilities significantly in the desired areas. Every person has hidden powers, which, if stimulated, can positively affect their environment.


In conclusion, human beings are products of their heredity and environmental conditions. Whether physical or social, the environment can hinder or facilitate the expression of a child’s inherited traits. Although genetic makeup cannot be altered, expression is determined by external factors outside an individual’s genotype. For decades, society has produced individuals with different talents, although not all have manifested their abilities. The article analyzed herein provided a suitable analogy showing that just as plants grow depending on their ecosystems’ weather and nutritional composition, children develop according to the wealth of resources and the nurturing abilities of their environments. The textbook’s classification of the genotype-environment influences enables scientists, learners, and social workers to comprehend the extent to which societal elements affect individuals’ growth and development. Unless people understand the principles explained herein, they may complain of similar human trends until they alter the environmental conditions. Lastly, every person has hereditary traits that can enable them to excel in different fields but may fail to attain such potential if not nurtured.


Sravanti L. (2017). Nurture the nature. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 59(3), 385. Web.

Paris, J., Ricardo, A., Rymond, D., & Johnson, A. (2021). Child growth and development. Libretexts. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 30). Analysis of Nature vs. Nurture Concepts.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Analysis of Nature vs. Nurture Concepts." April 30, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Analysis of Nature vs. Nurture Concepts'. 30 April.

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