Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy


The United States is a hub for social diversity worldwide. While this is among its biggest strengths contributing to its prosperity, it is also a social and political disharmony instigator. Race issues remain a sore issue in American society. The ongoing pandemic-related xenophobic rhetoric and violence facing Asian Americans exemplify this societal disharmony that, from class lectures, highlights the continued perception of the community as perpetual foreigners. Regardless, the Asian and Latino communities continue to grow and gain stature in the American racial hierarchy. These developments are expected to cause a significant shift in key facets of American society in the next three decades, most notably, occupations, residential locations, political power, and media representation of Asian and Latino Americans.

Future Racial Hierarchy Changes

As American society becomes more progressive and inclusive, the next three decades will reorganize the existing racial hierarchy. This restructuring will better represent the Asian and Latino American communities, the fastest-growing minority groups in America. In agreement with class material, Le-Khac cites the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1965 as bolstering Asian and Latino populations (74). Today, new immigration, primarily from Asia and Latin America, are shifting the demographic make-up of the nation, with projections indicating a very kaleidoscopic America. In the next three decades, Asian and Latino Americans will collectively be a close second to the white population majority in the racial hierarchy.


With the growth of the Asian and Latino communities, the next three decades indicate more representation in the job market. In agreement with class material, Jenkins reports a greater number of Asian Americans in the small business sector due to discrimination in favor of the white workforce (41). There will likely be more Asian Americans in high-skill jobs in the next three decades, particularly in science and engineering fields. Le-Khac credits this probability to the growing number of well-educated and STEM-interested Asian Americans (127). The Latino community has significantly grown in job representation. Their numbers are expected to continue growing in the next 30 years, when they are projected to account for about 30 percent of the US population (Jenkins 53). This dramatic demographic shift will undoubtedly impact the national labor market, especially with the American-born Latinos driving this change. However, this impact will hinge on closing Latinos’ current standard education disparity.

Political Power

Asian and Latino Americans are gaining momentum in local and national political arenas. Predictions of the next three decades might prove to be complex due to the volatility of politically charged patterns. However, there is an untapped political influence of the growing Asian American community, which has in recent years shown potential for determining victory in both local and national elections (Le-Khac 196). The Latino population is already showing immense political power as more Latinas run for office and redefine the American political strategy (197). With the battle against institutionalized racism, among other barriers, the next three decades indicate the prospect of a great rise in the political power potential for Asian and Latino Americans. Their contribution to the political direction of America will grow and accompany many changes in both the political and social spaces.

Media Representation

Even amidst the ongoing progressive revolution seeking to get Asian and Latino Americans more and fair representation in media, these two races are the most underrepresented in America. Frey reports that approximately 60 percent of Asian Americans and 40 percent of Latino Americans feel underrepresented, especially in advertisements and film (168). Le-Khac adds that the Asian and Latino American populations are the fastest-growing markets regarding spending and buying power (23). Therefore, in the coming years, there is likely to be a higher prioritization of these two populations in marketing decisions, thus, more media representation towards securing the loyalty of consumers. However, there is a risk of further tokenization due to demographic-targeted marketing. Hopefully, social justice progress in the next three decades will lessen this likelihood.

Residential Locations

Many years of housing discrimination have resulted in disproportionately populated neighborhoods with minorities segregated into locations with limited resources compared to white neighborhoods. From class lectures, Asian and Latino communities mostly reside in the neglected parts of metropolitan areas. While rapidly growing, these populations still face disparity in resource allocation based on residential location. The current administration’s key political plan to mitigate the enduring issue of housing discrimination will help achieve a more equitable distribution that elevates minorities (Frey 81). With these two populations gaining stature in the racial hierarchy, there will be a harder political push towards equality and more proportionate residential distribution across America.

As America becomes more diverse and progressive, Asian and Latino Americans are gaining racial hierarchy, which will impact their occupations, residential locations, political power, and media representation in the next 30 years. Asian Americans are becoming more included in high-skilled occupations, while Latino Americans occupy more of the job market. Their consolidated political power will more evidently influence election outcomes at the local and national levels. Their significant market power will get them more media representation, albeit at the risk of further tokenization. They will also get better residential distribution and equity among neighborhoods with further racial equality.

Works Cited

Frey, William. Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics Are Remaking America. Rev., Washington, D.C, Netherlands, Brookings Institution Press, 2018.

Jenkins, Philip. Rethinking A Nation: The United States in the 21st Century. London, United States, Macmillan International Higher Education, 2019.

Le-Khac, Long. Giving Form to an Asian and Latinx America. Stanford, CA, Netherlands, Stanford University Press, 2020.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 13). Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy.

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1. AssignZen. "Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. "Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Asian and Latino Americans in Racial Hierarchy'. 13 April.

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