Apple Products: Apple Company Statistics

A product can be anything a business provides to meet customers’ needs and desires. Despite being known for desktop computers, Apple was one of the first firms to move to a graphical user interface (GUI) and achieved success with the original Macintosh (Curry, 2021). Over the years, the firm has successfully produced various products to meet consumers’ demands. Overall, Apple’s product lines include the iPhone, iPod, iMac, iPad, and MacBook.

iPhone is one of the products produced by Apple company. Apple became one of the most lucrative corporations globally thanks to the iPhone, with revenue rising from $37.4 billion in 2008 to $65 billion in 2010 (Curry, 2021). There are differences in color, size, and chip model within the iPhone, giving it its desired features. Generally, Apple tailors the products to consumers’ specifications based on the previous models’ feedback.

The iPad is a tablet that allows users to browse the internet and manage their music and software purchases. Apple was able to develop other product lines, such as the iPad, due to the iPhone’s success (Curry, 2021). On the other hand, the iPod comes in various shapes and sizes, distinguishing it from the models. The Shuffle, Touch, Nano, and Classic are the four different models of iPods. All iPods play music, but each is distinct, having different names. Generally, each iPad and iPod products are targeted to a particular market depending on the consumer’s need.

In brief, Apple has a broad product mix, giving it a competitive advantage. They sell personal computers, computer software, and electronic products that people talk on, listen to music, and even have accessories to sync information to their televisions. Apple is the company’s name, but it is also their brand. Generally, the Apple brand has created an audience of loyal customers who advocate for the product better than Apple.


Curry, D. (2021). Apple statistics (2021). Business of Apps. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, February 13). Apple Products: Apple Company Statistics.

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AssignZen. "Apple Products: Apple Company Statistics." February 13, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Apple Products: Apple Company Statistics." February 13, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Apple Products: Apple Company Statistics'. 13 February.

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