Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

There is a controversial view on the idea that humans live in computer simulations in the article Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? by Clara Moskowitz. Arguments both for and against this theory are presented in the article. Indeed, there is a possibility that the life of people is enclosed in a computer simulation that was created by someone with higher intelligence or existing in the future, but at the same time, there is no strong argument for this theory.

Arguments in proof include such as that perhaps a person at a higher level of development would be engaged in stimulating the life of their ancestors, who would eventually come to artificial intelligence, which is a representation of thinking and a way of life. Thus, it is assumed that representatives of more developed thinking and mental abilities can simulate the life in which we live at the moment (Moskowitz, 2016). Many scientists and philosophers believe that the universe is largely based on mathematical laws.

At the same time, the article is objective and considers opposite points of view. Alternatively, many researchers argue that such hypotheses are impossible or extremely difficult to test, which is why their very relevance and correctness are called into question due to the lack of evidence (Moskowitz, 2016). However, counterbalancing this argument, the philosopher David Chalmers said that evidence is lacking precisely because of the existence of stimulation.

In conclusion, the versions of human habitation are considered, taking into account the existence of such stimulation. There are several options, such as living without paying attention to this idea. On the other hand, the presence or opportunity of stimulation raises serious philosophical, religious and spiritual questions. For example, could God be taken into account in the event of stimulation, what if an error occurs in the program, and many others (Moskowitz, 2016)? The article, at the same time, casts doubts on the very idea of the existence of such a simulation, but at the same time gives arguments regarding the possibility of such a theory.


Moskowitz, C. (2016). Are we living in a computer simulation? Scientific American, Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 16). Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?

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"Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?" AssignZen, 16 Apr. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?" April 16, 2023.


AssignZen. "Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?" April 16, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?" April 16, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Are We Living in a Computer Simulation'. 16 April.

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