Aspects of Holistic Nursing Care


It is important to note that a wide range of medical and nursing methodologies are based on the sole principle to increase the overall specificity of a method or framework. Under such approaches, the issue is put at the center of attention as well as a separate entity or unit of a target, for which strategic measures are undertaken. However, one should be aware that the human body is a system of interconnected elements, which work in conjunction and synchrony, meaning that a problem in a specific area affects other systems of the body. In addition, human emotions and mental state can have a major effect on the biological aspect of health, which is why it is critical to look at and approach health-related issues as a malfunction of an entire system rather than a sole part. Therefore, holistic healthcare is of paramount importance since it provides a comprehensive perspective on human well-being and health by factoring in components such as spirituality, psychology, social factors, and biology.

Defining Holistic Healthcare and Its Components

It should be noted that holistic healthcare and nursing care are based on four major components. It is stated that “holistic nursing is based on the principle that a patient’s biological, social, psychological and spiritual aspects are interconnected. These aspects fit together to form a unique person” (“What is holistic nursing,” 2019, para. 3). In other words, the conventional method of assessing and analyzing a patient from a biological perspective is enhanced by factoring in his or her spirituality, psychology as well as social influences. Thus, one’s health and well-being are dependent on the functionality and properness of all key areas of indicators outlined above, which approaches are highly personalized since each individual can have different social environments, psychology, and spiritual backgrounds.

Current Applications

Since holistic care requires a more in-depth assessment of a patient as well as a thorough involvement of a wide range of specialists, the method is closely interconnected with multidisciplinary strategies based on a team of professionals and experts. It is important to note that currently, holistic care is being applied in the military to treat veterans, who are not only at risk of biological problems but also psychological and social ones due to the extreme impact left by being in a warzone and participating in warfare. It is stated that “past or current military personnel may have unique healthcare needs because of environmental exposure during combat and humanitarian missions” (Davis, 2018, para. 2). In other words, the sources of harm to the human body among veterans are differential and combinatory, meaning that the combat environment can lead to damages caused by hazardous gases, gun-related wounds, and psychological traumas, such as PTSD. Therefore, holistic care is highly applicable in military settings due to the overall comprehensiveness of the methodological framework.

Future Applications

One should be aware that holistic medicine is different from standard western medicine due to more systematic approaches utilized, which shine the brightest in regards to prevention rather than treatment. It is stated that “holistic nursing can improve patient care because the practice delves into how a patient may reduce their chances of being stricken with a disease or injury, and it increases the likelihood of a positive outcome” (“What is holistic nursing,” 2019, para. 12). In other words, the approach is effective at introducing long-term and long-lasting changes, which can act as protective barriers from other potential health-related problems since it promotes both biological and behavioral as well as psychological changes.

The problem is no longer seen or treated as an isolated issue but rather a part of a larger system where changes and improvements are aimed at affecting all aspects of human well-being. Therefore, future applications of holistic medicine and nursing can become more widespread and prominent due to technological advancements. The main reason is that the holistic approach is highly demanding and individualized, which is why it is difficult to replace the current healthcare methods. It is stated that “as holistic nursing becomes more common in healthcare settings, nurses have the opportunity to combine alternative methods with traditional approaches to enhance patient care” (“What is holistic nursing,” 2019, para. 13). However, technology can increase the reach and efficiency of holistic care delivery by automating various aspects of assessment with the help of improved AI systems as well as big data instruments.

Monetary Aspects of Holistic Care

It is evident that since holistic care is more individualized and personalized than standard western medicine, it requires more attention and resources for each unique patient, who is made as such due to his or her specific set of psychosocial, biological, and spiritual conditions. In other words, it is more expensive to deliver holistic care comprehensively compared to standard western medicine, which is why technology plays a critical role in the cost reduction aspect of the method. It is stated that “holistic nursing steps away from a detached protocol in medicine and instead encourages personalized care” (“What is holistic nursing,” 2019, para. 13). The overall lack of possibility for standardization of the care delivery process makes the framework costlier than conventional strategies.


In conclusion, holistic nursing care is a comprehensive and systematic approach designed to enhance human health and well-being by considering and addressing all aspects of one’s health. There are four major components, which are biological, psychological, social, and spiritual. The most prominent application of the method can be observed in the military, but it can be utilized in other fields where health-related issues are multifactorial. Since the framework is more individualized, it is more expensive than conventional measures, but with the development of technology, the costs can be reduced, which means future applications can be widespread.


Davis, C. (2018). The holistic healthcare needs of veterans. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 16(6), 4-5. Web.

What is holistic nursing? (2019). Web.

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