The purpose of communication is to transfer the information as well as comprehension of that information from one person or group to another. In a professional environment, communication plays a key role in the interactions between the management and the employees and within teams. Through this process, the former set goals and distribute tasks. Another example is team members communicating specifics of an assignment they have to complete to assign responsibilities and ensure that the work can be completed in time. Finally, communication is a necessary factor for resolving conflicts in the workplace as through adequate communication; the conflicting parties can explain their opinions and come to an understanding.
Diagram 1 shows the steps necessary to enable the communications process. This communication procedure is separated into three parts: A sender sends a message to a recipient over a channel, as seen in detail in Diagram 1. The sender first produces an idea, which is then constructed into a message and sent to the recipient, who interprets the message and receives meaning. Thus, this is a two-way process involving encoding and decoding of the information. The language used by information theorists has become a little more sophisticated, which can make it difficult for people not specializing in communications to understand its basic facets. Encoding is the process of creating a message, while decoding is the process of interpreting a message (The communication process, no date). Each communication process also has to come to the “feedback” stage, where the sender and the recipient can check whether they have a unified perception of the information that was communicated.

The feedback loop is another key characteristic. When two people connect, communication is almost never one way. When a person receives a message, they react by replying to it in one way or another. The feedback cycle is identical to the sender-receiver feedback shown in Diagram 1. Feedback plays a crucial role in communication since it allows to ensure that the sender and the receiver have the same idea of the information communicated (The communication process, no date). Otherwise, the sender has no way of knowing if the message was correctly translated or how the recipients reacted to it. Feedback is especially important in management since a leader has to know how their employees react to directions and ideas. The manager must also be aware of how work is developing and how workers perceive the overall work situation.
The common understanding is a significant aspect in determining communication efficacy. Understanding happens when all parties involved reach a mutual agreement on not just the information but also its meaning. Effective communication happens when the sender’s intended message and the receiver’s understood message are the same (Doye, 2021). Although this should be the objective of all communications, it is not always met. Thus, the determinant of effective communication is reaching a common understanding of an idea or issue.
Some examples of Wheelie’s communication can help understand how it is used in a professional environment. For example, the CEO of the company can use a newsletter to talk about the goals and targets for the new year and ask the employees to provide their feedback. In this way, the sender and the receiver are the CEO and the employees reading the newsletter, and the ones who respond to it will be involved in a two-sided interaction. Next, the HR manager explaining the company’s policies to a new employee is another example of professional communication. The HR can use verbal communication as well as printouts of the company’s policies, while the employee can ask questions to ensure that the message was encoded correctly. Finally, the last example of communication is team members discussing a new product that Wheely’s wants to produce, where the members select a leader and choose individuals responsible for specific tasks.
Diagram 2 displays a communication model in an organization. From this model, one can understand that the sender has a variety of communication means at their disposal. For example, they can use face-to-face communication or emails to transmit the message, and the chosen medium will have an effect on the way the information is perceived (Doye, 2021). Moreover, in this model, the message has to be decoded by the receiver. For instance, if a manager sets a task to the employee through personal interaction, this employee has to comprehend the message, which is why the aspect of comprehension is an important factor in professional communication.

This article will focus on explaining the different forms of communication. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal, written, and visual (Five types of communication, 2018). Each form of communication is important and can be used to convey a message. However, it is always important to make sure that the communication process is conducted appropriately and that the chosen medium is most suitable for a specific goal.
When people communicate with others, we engage in verbal communication. It may be done in person, over the phone, over Skype or Zoom, and or through other communication means. Some verbal interactions are casual, such as conversing with a coworker over coffee or in the office kitchen, while others are more professional, such as a scheduled meeting (Five types of communication, 2018). It is not only about the words, regardless of the kind. It is also about the quality and complexity of those words, how we link those words together to form an overarching message, and the intonation, more specifically pitch, tone, and cadence, utilized when speaking. And when it comes to face-to-face communication, while words are crucial, they cannot be isolated from nonverbal communication.
The first type of communication that this article will discuss is non-verbal communication, which is the expression of ideas and opinions without the use of words. What we do while speaking frequently communicates more than what we say. Facial expressions, posture, eye contact, hand motions, and touch are all examples of nonverbal communication. For example, if you are talking to your supervisor about your cost-cutting suggestion, you should pay attention to both their words and their nonverbal signals. Your supervisor may agree with you vocally, but their nonverbal signs, such as avoiding eye contact, sighing, and wrinkled-up faces, imply otherwise. In this scenario, it is essential to ensure that the message communicated through the non-verbal signs is discussed to avoid miscomprehension. Asking additional questions is appropriate in such cases and helps decode the message more clearly.
Whether it is an email, a memo, a paper, a Facebook post, a Tweet, an agreement, or any other kind of written communication, the goal is the same: to distribute information in a clear and succinct manner – albeit this goal is frequently not met. In reality, poor writing skills can result in confusion, shame, and even serious legal trouble (Indeed Editorial Team, 2022). One thing to keep in mind regarding written communication, especially in the digital era, is that the message lives on, maybe in perpetuity. Thus, remember two things: first, write well – badly built sentences and careless typos make you appear awful; and second, ensure the message’s substance is something that you want to promote or be connected within the long run.
We live in a visual society. Consider the following: televisions are on 24 hours a day, Facebook is visual with memes, videos, photographs, and so on, Instagram is an image-only platform, and advertisers utilize imagery to sell things and ideas. Consider this from a personal standpoint: the photographs we share on social media are intended to convey meaning — to send a message. In certain circumstances, the message may be, “Look at me, I’m in Italy,” or “I just received an award.” Others are intentionally chosen to touch our hearts — hurt animals, sobbing children, and others.
Face-to-face communication is an integral element of the work process and should be conducted with respect to other parties involved in the process. When two or more individuals can see each other while conversing, this is referred to as face-to-face communication. It promotes meeting involvement and participation while also fostering a trusting workplace culture.
However, since the COVID-19 epidemic, many organizations have adopted a remote working paradigm, at least in part. This paradigm change makes it difficult for leaders to retain face-to-face connections with their teams. In-person communication is frequently more successful than written or audio-only discussions. This is due to the fact that seeing each other helps us to pick up on nonverbal signs and body language. And, because so much communication is nonverbal, being able to see each other helps us better comprehend each other. Face-to-face communication allows good leaders to connect with their teams.
While this newsletter already discussed written communication, it is important to note the difference between the written formal and informal communication means. Both formal and casual writing is employed in our daily lives, although in different contexts. Before deciding on a writing style, we should consider the reader and the topic of your talk. The formal style is appropriate when the issue is serious and objective. It is also used when the writing is addressed to a respected individual or institution. Informal writing, on the other hand, is best used for conversing with family, friends, and acquaintances in a non-professional environment. Moreover, if the topic of conversation is not too important, casual writing can be employed, provided you are comfortable speaking informally with the reader.
The goal of this memo is to outline the formal policy of Wheelie on communications and the use of information technology (IT). Communication, whether internal or external, is critical to the success of any organization. Computers play an important part in business communications, including methods of interacting with computers such as email, instant messaging, videoconferencing, and others. While the size and type of your company will decide how much you use computers in business interactions, you should be aware of how you may utilize technology to boost your firm’s bottom line.
Nowadays, almost any business, large or small, requires the use of computers to communicate. Customers expect to be able to access information about a company and contact them via email. Many firms increasingly utilize internal instant messaging applications like Slack to cooperate both inside and outside the office.
In a communications system, all sorts of computers and mobile devices act as transmitting and receiving devices. Mainframe computers, servers, desktop computers, laptop computers, Tablet PCs, smartphones, portable media players, and GPS receivers are all examples. A modem is a sort of communications equipment that links a communications channel to transmitting or receiving device, such as a computer.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a tried-and-true technology, which allows anybody to make phone calls over the Internet. With the growth of broadband connections, VoIP has emerged as the evident choice for phone service for both individuals and companies (DiNardi, 2020). People choose VoIP phone service to conventional phone lines. It has far more features than analog phones and it can accomplish all of this for less than half the price. Moreover, some cloud phone service companies provide strong capabilities that are not available with traditional phone service. Auto attendants, call recording, unique caller ID, voicemail to email, and much more are all available. You may also accept calls and work from anywhere.
VoIP service providers do more than simply connect calls. They route incoming and outgoing calls over existing telephone networks. Cell phones and landlines rely on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) (DiNardi, 2020). Analog lines are used to convey voice signals in traditional telephones, as opposed to VoIP. Extra wiring must be added if you wish to make calls. For phone service, many businesses rely on specific gear. A Private Branch Exchange (PBX) is the name of this type of equipment. It is responsible for connecting internal phone extensions to the public telephone network. PBXs are often fairly expensive to install and maintain.
Next, social media, which can be accessed through computers or smartphones, has also become an important instrument for engaging with clients and the general public. Many businesses value having a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. Email is used by almost every modern organization to communicate both internally and internationally. Whether Wheely’s employee installs their own email server or uses an email provider to host their corporate email traffic, this is likely to remain the principal application of a computer in business communication. Implement digital signatures and encryption if you intend to send and receive confidential documents over email (Chaturvedi, 2020). Configure your own email server to filter spam and quarantine dubious emails. These precautions can help safeguard your firm from viruses hidden in spam email.
Consider creating Facebook pages as well as Twitter and Instagram profiles. These platforms enable one to advertise specials and offers to clients and provide them with a means to contact you. You should probably monitor your social accounts on a frequent basis to see who is attempting to contact you and respond to any publicly posted consumer criticism.
Currently, the company uses IT means of communication as part of its daily processes, and employees should pay attention to how they share data and to some security measures necessary to ensure that data breaches do not occur. This memo will provide some helpful tips outlining the best practices for data security that all employees are expected to follow. All the communication, regardless of the specific medium, has to be conducted in a professional manner and following the company’s standards.
Today, the Internet is the most dependable and necessary tool for doing all online operations. Communication via the Internet is not as secure as it once was. New customers are subjected to a variety of frauds, scams, pop-up advertising, and other damaging techniques. You should read this article for all the facts on how to avoid all of these frauds. To correctly establish a safe Internet conversation with anyone, you must constantly keep in mind that your discussion and information should not be visible to the ‘third party.’ Every person’s first choice is always privacy. To conduct a safe Internet discussion, always follow these steps:
- Choose strong passwords: Any cyber thief may easily guess your account password based on your normal everyday activity. As a result, always create an unbreakable password that is both strong and unique.
- Always be vigilant: It is critical to be aware of every step you take when using any device because fraudsters and cybercriminals are always creating new methods and strategies to hijack your account. Maintain contact with all of the most modern security technology.
- Use a VPN tool: A VPN is the most dependable and secure means to interact with anyone on the planet. This network offers you a secure environment in which you may easily send and receive information. It conceals your true IP address and information.
Reference list
Chaturvedi, D. (2020) Internet communications: what is it & ways to communicate over the Internet.
DiNardi, G. (2020) What is VoIP? The complete guide to Voice over IP Calling.
Doye, A. (2021) Communication skills for workplace success.
The communication process (no date).
Five types of communication (2018).
Indeed Editorial Team (2022) Everything you need to know about written communication.