Communication in Medical Practice

The process of communication takes on particular importance in medicine, which involves close personal contact. Historically, the doctor occupies a dominant position in the relationship with the patient and chooses his or her methods of diagnosis and treatment. This status determines a high personal responsibility for the results and consequences of treatment. However, based on my experience, today, a well-built relationship between the medical director, trainee, and patient opens possibilities for sharing responsibility and increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

The therapeutic process depends on the relationship between doctors and patients. In my interactions with people individually, I have concluded that when there is a lack of mutual understanding and cooperation, the quality of medical care is at risk. In running errands and overcoming work challenges, it became increasingly clear that improved health outcomes and patient adherence to treatment can be achieved by paying proper attention to patients and their families. Measures to ensure that health workers’ knowledge and skills meet the population’s needs help address potential shortages in staff allocation, increasing productivity (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019). The emphasis on the consolidation of competencies is limited to the initial vocational education of health professionals, meaning education at the college and university levels. Based on the practice, my understanding of the importance of competencies has led me to a particular shift in values. I have concluded that what used to be valued was the education and diploma a healthcare professional received at an educational institution. Still, now it is the way they can help and interact with a valued patient.

The acuteness of the problem in doctor-patient communication grows day by day. My experience shows that science moves forward, while the psychological reality, human nature, remains stable, increasing the initial discrepancy between science and ethics. The doctor, as a representative of science, is not content with generalities but seeks unambiguous answers. Communication in medical practice remains the basis for effective treatment, no matter how rapidly science and technology in clinical medicine and surgery evolve.


Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2019). Public health nursing e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 13). Communication in Medical Practice.

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AssignZen. (2023) 'Communication in Medical Practice'. 13 April.

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