Economic Violence to Women at Community Level

Several studies have emphasized gender-based violence (GBV), mental, corporal, and sexual but ignores economic violence. Economic violence is expected within the current social and plays a significant part in propagating other aspects of GBV. Therefore, girls’ and women’s financial ferocity forms comprise shortage of access and regulation of principal assets, such as land, controlled access to capitals, and credits to sponsor women’s commercial activities (Duran & Eraslan, 2019).

Moreover, unpaid tasks executed by the female gender, such as nurturing and caring of infants, denial of employment and career-building opportunities by their partners, and segregation from fiscal decision-making, are regarded as fiscal violence methods (Duran & Eraslan, 2019). As explained in this paper, economic violence is when an oppressor has comprehensive control over the victim’s cash and other monetary resources. The paper will focus on the case of Abate; Tanzania, where the issue was experienced.

Key Points of Review

Presently, more investigation is being conducted on GBV than sociologists formally did it. Merely slight practical statistics exist on economic violence concerning women equated to other practices of ferocity. Economic violence is a significantly powerful and deadly system of exploitation that needs to be taken as an essential aspect of the community that should not be under looked. Poverty is both a cause and sequence of economic abuse (Duran & Eraslan, 2019).

Despite advancement in women’s financial action, most females still undergo economic methods of mistreatment, including restricted access to resources and loans, occupation, training, lack of management over health admission, and farming capitals (Duran & Eraslan, 2019). Furthermore, segregation from economic decision-making, getting equivalent payment for labor identical in worth to men’s effort, and biased customary regulations on heirloom, asset privileges, and land usage are also the practices of economic oppression.

Economic exploitation causes a deepening in deficiency because of women’s moderated access to autonomous necessities of livelihood. It compromises academic accomplishment and progressive openings for women. It results in tension that may spill-over into physical violence and negatively affect abused women and their children’s mental health. It encourages sexual mistreatment, intensifies the danger of contracting HIV, transience and nurturing morbidity, and supports trading in women and girls (Simmons et al., 2020). Monetary manipulation may endure even after the woman is absent from the offensive association. It is also a foundation of mental and physical anxiety for groups and households of the oppressed.

Economic Activities of Women

In several nations, women’s work and families’ livelihoods are regularly maintained and improved by their economic initiatives. They are active in diverse fiscal aspects, some of which they undertake simultaneously. Women hold approximately 51 percent of the task load in developed states and 55 percent in third-world countries (Simmons et al., 2020). Furthermore, they tend to work overtime with meager wages, especially in paid employment in the labor industry.

A variety of women’s economic activities include wage labor, subsistence farming, and informal industry, while a small proportion of them work in the formal sector (Simmons et al., 2020). Hence, they are impacted by commerce, marketplaces, financial aids, and corporations. Customary and legal regulations on credit, capital, natural resources, land, innovation, and education also influence their fiscal prowess.

Despite the ingrained gender inequality, there has been a shift in women’s economic accomplishments over the past decades. The milestone has been influenced by an increased awareness campaign of discriminatory practices. Also, girls’ improved enrollment in preliminary institutions has further narrowed the educational gap that initially existed, leading to grown women’s admission into the labor marketplace. By the end of 2005, females accounted for approximately 40 percent of the global financially dynamic population (Simmons et al., 2020). The number of businesswomen running extensive enterprises has also increased significantly. Despite the progress in the current age, most females still fall victims to economic exploitation and abuse.

International Relevance and Types Imbalances in Economic Chances for Women

The practices and level of economic ferocity are distinct to geographical regions despite women and girls being denied financial resources, power, and opportunities globally. Risk factors similar to all relational violence methods, comprising monetary ferocity, include substance misuse, growing up in broken households, gender disparities, societal segregation, and pay inequity (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Over two previous decades, the number of women entering the employment industry has risen while their trend of involvement varying across regions, with a significant proportion getting convoluted in revenue-creating activities and funding domestic proceeds in the Pacific and East Asia (Ambramsky et al., 2019).

However, the rate of women contributing to household income in Asia is relatively higher than their Commonwealth Independent Nations counterparts. The number is different in Arab and Latin America, with economically stable women accounting for one-third and a half.

The practices, theories, and approaches that propagate economic violence are usually intensely embedded and linked to the spiritual, societal, and traditional norms. For instance, in five Latin American states, more than half of the men’s population believe that the female and male gender should not have opportunities in every aspect. Equally, 66 percent of their counterparts in Bangladesh indicated that the state should prioritize tertiary education for the male gender over the females (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Islamic Republic of Iran, Mexico, and Uganda also shared the same view. However, the Chinese have a different opinion regarding gender and economic equality (Ambramsky et al., 2019). They believe that women should deserve opportunities in education, employment, and political fields, with one out of ten men supporting the plan.

The global value survey indicates that a significant number of the male gender control the households’ division of resources for essential amenities, such as healthcare, education, and food. Also, a review of demographic health research in distinct locations of the world stipulated that sub-Saharan Africa, compared to other states of the globe, has the highest number of men making sole decisions on regular domestic expenditure. For instance, Malawi records a significant proportion of 66 percent of women admitting their husbands’ experiences. However, the percentage was low in Madagascar, at only 5.8 percent of females attesting to such (Ambramsky et al., 2019).

In North Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia, the occurrence sorts between 24 to 34 percent (Ambramsky et al., 2019). However, the prevalence was lower in Pacific and East Asia, with an estimated percentage between two and nine.

Additionally, women’s salaries are twenty percent lower than that of their male counterparts. The females are clustered in the informal sectors and occupy only 20 percent of the administrative and directorial positions (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Assessments on wage disparities and involvement in the employment sector indicate that women’s revenue is about 30 percent of their male colleagues in North Africa and the Middle East. The percentage differs as Latin America and Asia recording 40 percent, while sub-Saharan Africa and East Asia record 50 and 60 percent (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Therefore, the number of women with significant wages is still low in Africa and Asia.

Women not only earn low incomes but also incline to own fewer possessions compared to the male globally. Statistics on gender property disparity indicate an extensive, similar form of discrimination through the developing economies. The females possess significantly small fractions of land compared to their male counterparts. For instance, in Cameroon, despite the ladies conducting 75 percent of the agricultural activities, they hold less than 10 percent of the cultivated plots (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Similar disparities are indicated in the United Republic of Tanzania, Nigeria, and other sub-Saharan states (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Sub-Saharan Africa records the highest number of females working in the informal industry. They experience adverse working conditions, absence of employment security and compensations, long working hours, and significant poverty risk.

Furthermore, in the informal division, the females encounter economic manipulation occasions, such as robbery and deception by male clients, unlawful seizure of products for sale, and shutting of work stations by administrative authorities such as policemen (Ambramsky et al., 2019).

Young female apprentices and workers toiled for long periods with low payments that did not equate to the value of tasks done and were involved in other jobs outside contractual arrangements by male employers. Similarly, in industrialized nations such as the United States, abusers employ different methods to interfere with their victims’ tasks to ensure that they cannot generate revenue. In Tanzania, between 8 to 20 percent of the employed women complained that intimate partners dictated their salaries (Ambramsky et al., 2019). A few female employees also reported experiencing overall abandonment of domestic responsibility and maintenance by men to women.

Credit-lending is also another form of economic violence that women have experienced for a significant period. In Africa’s developing nations, the female gender constitutes the minority of borrowers from formal financial establishments. Moreover, Africa and South East Asia recorded 5 percent of mutual reserves rural credit reaching women in 2005 (Ambramsky et al., 2019). Discrimination in the lending procedure places women at a drawback.

They are illegally denied credit or discouraged in the lending application course due to extreme security and low deposit requisites. Consequently, they are less likely to obtain official finances even as they are expected to enjoy equivalent privileges as their male counterparts regarding bank credits, personal aids, and mortgages. Surprisingly, women occasionally validate such ferocity and exploitation, thus indicating that such biased approaches also imitate the general society’s standard views and customs.

Consequences of Economic Violence

Economic violence prevents a significant percentage of women from realizing financial independence and sustaining their livelihood and communities. First, it results in expanding poverty due to women’s shrinking access to an autonomous living method. Regrettably, scarcity disrupts women and their descendants’ human privileges by denying them healthcare, learning, involvement in governmental and social life, housing, and freedom of ferocity (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). However, when women realize financial means with suitable working environments and loan refunds, achieve control of their incomes, and spend reasonable time on task, it increases the ability to bring their children and families out of poverty.

Second, fiscal exploitation inclines to result in tension and overall anxiety due to material distresses, which may spill over into corporal violence. For instance, wife assaulting can be instigated by quarrels over upkeep stipends and domestic duties. The logic of unfairness on the female’s side when the central concern for the upkeep of children depends entirely on her can result in protests and arguments, which the male counterpart reacts with battering. In some cases, especially in developing economies, the issue can be complicated when the man receives low salaries, inflation tariffs are high, and the spouses are polygamous (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). In most polygamous unions, rivalry among wives for the partial resources and disputes over upholding fairness can lead to violence, resulting in psychological and physical health issues to the female gender.

Third, economic ferocity as a form of GBV influences social disparity and encourages sexual mistreatment of young ladies and girls by mature males. It creates substantial pressure for profitable sex by comparatively wealthy men and the need for young women to disrupt the phase of poverty; thus, the female may commercialize their bodies as a fast development method. Scarcity of employment opportunities, the financial burden of caring for dependencies, and insufficient monetary sustenance from spouses make women susceptible to sexual demand and the danger of contracting HIV and STDs (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). Therefore, the exploited women are prospective to suffer trauma, melancholy, and chemical and substance addiction than their fellow counterparts.

Finally, monetary ferocity exhausts the economically industrious personnel, and the environment of uncertainty and distress that it establishes diminishes the efficiency and progress of a nation. The act reduces developmental and educational opportunities for women, thus compromising their chances to develop. Moreover, some girls may not formally enroll in learning institutions, thus reducing their academic development.

The victims usually do unskilled jobs, such as vending, domestic tasks, farming, internship, and others getting married at early ages (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). However, informed women are likely to delay matrimony, thus strategize and nurture better families. Such ladies make autonomous decisions, certify that their kids are prosperous in school, and are more dynamic in workplaces. Economic violence further intensifies women’s risk of nurturing morbidity and mortality by increasing the danger of contracting HIV and other STIs, undesirable pregnancies, pregnancy difficulties, and unsafe abortions.

Additionally, violence has significant long-lasting impacts even when the female gender is not exposed to exploitation. Ferocity, including economic cruelty, also inclines to inter-generational ramifications. Such is attributed to the teaching of violence as a method of solving fights and affirming manhood in kids who have encountered conflict resolution patterns (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). Therefore, children nurtured with economic violence are susceptible to such violence as youths in intimate companion relations. It further affects the victims’ family and friends by stressing them psychologically and overwhelming their means and time.

Conversely, for several women, the financial exploitation continues after they leave the abusive associations because their previous partners continue to withhold family funds (Vyas & Jansen, 2018). Therefore, they are incapable of affording legal backing to get household finances because of the nature of the mistreatment’s influence, and they are unable to achieve employment and loans.


Developing women’s financial privileges require lasting approaches that focus on challenging the current structures. The complex dynamics of economic exploitation need the participation of state administrations and shareholders at all points. Governments should employ collective and multi-sectoral strategies to achieve such milestones. Distinct models may be required for the diverse traditional context in which the fiscal exploitation occurs, and a mixture of the process may give more lasting resolutions (Manji et al., 2020). These strategies can include social awareness and attracting media attention, applying pressure through activities, initiating litigations and boycotts, and pushing for revolution through civil and political courses.

Establishing associations with legislative and non-governmental corporations to examine the economic condition and mutually create a plot of action, share application, and checking its progress is essential to curb the abuse. The strategy should incorporate synchronizing procedures at communal, state, and global levels to enable a partnership between the diverse sectors and shareholders (Manji et al., 2020). It can include components, such as restructuring and analysis of prevailing regulations and procedures such as acts on payment, education, and hiring of women.

Furthermore, constructing examination capability and information assortment on financial exploitation is also crucial. Reinforcement of services for oppressed and increasing and appraising prevention is essential for the national strategy. States such as Netherland, Poland, Germany, Russia, and countries in Eastern and Central Europe have a standard plan for addressing the predominant forms of violence against women in areas such as FGM, domestic violence, rape, and sexual assault, and trafficking.

Similarly, as of 1999, the 24 states representing 56 percent of the Commonwealth economies developed a national plan of action. These included Cameroon, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, and Australia. South Africa and Turkey have also adopted their distinct strategy but with the same ending financial violence against the female gender. Likewise, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Sri Lanka all have state-specific modules of tackling the menace and certifying a cohesive nation and community (Manji et al., 2020).

These nations have a common goal of ensuring women are incorporated within their various sectors as their male counterparts and create a fair environment for each gender to thrive and handle their duties effectively. The main challenge is to ensure that economic oppression is addressed in their respective administrative plans and monitor its implementation (Manji et al., 2020). However, national strategies involving multiple shareholders and an integrated approach have effectively addressed the underlying violence type

Stakeholders should commence research on monetary ferocity to increase the perception of the social issue in different nations. The move will facilitate the establishment and assessment of suitable culture-detailed reactions for the respective state. All stakeholders should reinforce the capability to accumulate and evaluate information on economic violence in all government sectors. The accessibility of statistics will help establish importance, monitor program design, and observe evolution (Manji et al., 2020). Prevention reactions such as the expansion of inclusive micro-initiative or small and medium enterprises to help women out of the sequence of oppression should also be encouraged by state administrations.

Furthermore, through cooperatives and credit cycles, the administrations and stakeholders can empower poor and disadvantaged women. Governments should implement loan rotating capitals’ development since it endows the female gender economically and makes them prominent players in the civil and commercial division (Kapiga et al., 2017). Enterprises that offer microbusiness and microcredit amenities to women should be further reinforced and stimulated. Some non-administrative and governmental organizations currently practice such an approach. These curriculums have been discovered to enhance women’s fiscal condition, particularly in third-world economies, and control women’s incidence of oppression.

Additionally, state partnerships supporting women concerning economic prospects and constructing associations with global assemblies should be designed. These alliances will deliver help to care groups, aid in new employment abilities, offer logistics backing for the female plans, and urge the administration at local and state intensities to embrace women’s welfares in communal and financial structures (Kapiga et al., 2017). These groups should drive more women to inhabit decision-making spots in national administration and universal trade, and commercial organizations to fund women’s ambitions and privileges.

Capitalizing in principal prevention of commercial exploitation as a form of violence is more cost operational and has long-term advantages. Therefore, to encourage gender fairness in communities, women’s factions should undertake violence deterrence exercises. The training should comprise societal and informative programs to diverse target associations, particularly men’s assemblies, to impact their principles and approaches (Kapiga et al., 2017).

Furthermore, acts and strategies that can end the ferocity sequence by improving inequities and aggregating state economic growth should be presented. Reinforcing processes such as endorsing the International Labor Society act against unfairness and approving an egalitarianism law are dynamic stages to this end (Kapiga et al., 2017). The devotion by state administrations to global contracts and arrangements should be endorsed and supervised to defend women’s privileges.

Suggestions for Practice, Strategy, and Investigation

All nations need to design a general plot of an act that would address concerns on fairness for women. It is fundamental to enact regulations that forbid economic abuse to women and observe prevailing plans to certify that women’s privileges are safe. Moreover, they should occasionally analyze current regulations and guidelines to ensure that they effectively safeguard women’s civil rights (Kapiga et al., 2017). Sensitization of the community and establishment of awareness via the media on the prevailing acts is essential. Further interpretation of the regulations and dispersal to men and women associations will increase women’s privileges. Stakeholders can complete the move by teaching law enforcers concerning the rule.

Advertising and reinforcement of establishments that offer microcredit services for women should be stimulated. These groups can include administrative and non-legislative corporations and benefactor organizations. Also, stakeholders such as the government should deliver psychosocial and lawful funding for financial oppression targets (Kapiga et al., 2017). The shortage of practical information on economic ferocity points to the requirement for more investigation on the matter. Administrations should file the report of the financial actions of women.

Additionally, encouraging victims to speak out in social groups will also help bring awareness within the community. The government and other stakeholders should support the formation of support groups that offer emotional and financial support to women to establish an environment of nurturing strong women (Kapiga et al., 2017). Therefore, the group should reach the victims at a communal level and incorporate them into programs that will enable them to build their confidence and financial capabilities.

The support groups can enhance their members’ economic status through business funding, presenting academic support to females who prefer to further their studies and create awareness amongst men (Kapiga et al., 2017). Furthermore, the introduction of emergency lines to enable victims to report violent cases will further promote the menace’s end. Upon registering an issue, the oppressor should be arrested and charged, thus acting as a lesson to other individuals of the same character. Therefore, economic violence is a vital concern of society that can stop through effective communal and local authority strategies.

In conclusion, financial violence is avoidable, and ending it entails lasting obligation and the use of several strategies, including all community divisions. Furthermore, public health efforts, political commitment is also vital in tackling violence. Despite the administration’s obligation to ending GBV, passing regulations to safeguard women’s privileges and punishing perpetrators is critical. Involvements that offer women training chances to enlighten them of their constitutional rights, reach out to men, and transform societal approaches and opinions that authorize offensive conduct are instantly required. Therefore, when fairness is encouraged amongst males and ladies, financial ferocity will have no room within human existence.


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