ILead—a Transformational Leadership Intervention

Summary of the Study

This initiative intends to further implementation science by looking into implementation leadership, namely the training of managers in this area. The study combines and addresses two significant themes in healthcare related to nurse leadership, resulting in various academic and practice contributions (Richter et al., 2016). One of the most critical aspects of the project is explaining how and under what situations implementation leadership may be most effectively educated (Richter et al., 2016). The training was practical when examining the larger context, including group dynamics and workplace elements. In the long term, understanding these mechanisms may improve the rate of effective adoption in healthcare. Furthermore, the research aims to learn more about which individuals benefit from leadership training treatments.

In this experiment, two intervention groups differed in one way. An important factor is the conditions under which managers participated in the program. A particular role is played when a person goes through training alone, defining goals independently (Richter et al., 2016). On the other hand, while undergoing training with managers of their other organizations, interests are re rethinking in the direction of organizational support (Richter et al., 2016). Understanding how to choose and incorporate managers in such an intervention will provide helpful information that can be used to shape future interventions. As a result, researchers in this study employed an adaptive reflection approach to systematically creating training goals and activities.

The researchers have incorporated several secondary outcome factors related to employee and manager productivity and well-being. This allowed them to investigate the impact of leadership training on staff well-being and productivity (Richter et al., 2016). Furthermore, leadership development has been proposed as a possible organizational intervention to improve employee happiness. Employee well-being is assumed to be a significant result of any intervention, especially when educating managers in transformational leadership. Compared to previous therapies, this study enables the evaluation of such impacts.

Applying the Leadership

In the past, healthcare organizations considered the nurse manager role an entry-level management post. Candidates frequently lack the theoretical understanding of leadership required to engage in high-level leadership behaviors that inspire employees beyond their job assignments, resulting in a transformative effect. According to this study, transactional leadership is the predominant leadership style inexperienced nurse managers use (Richter et al., 2016). As a result, lower work satisfaction and organizational engagement among employees lead to more employee turnover. According to the full-range leadership paradigm, transactional leadership aspects are essential in achieving transformative results. The nurse manager may pick and consciously execute successful transactional leadership behaviors as a foundation for achieving transformational leadership practices if they thoroughly comprehend the full-range leadership theory.

The nurse manager may improve the transactional exchange between followers and construct a more meaningful engagement using insight and reflective practice. Idealized influence, influential motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration are all aspects of transformational leadership (Richter et al., 2016). Nurse managers in charge of a unit’s daily operations may get overburdened with the unit’s human resource obligations. As a result, the nurse manager may overlook or ignore chances to connect with employees, limiting the nurse manager’s ability to capitalize on the relational factors necessary for high-level leadership. Nurse managers face a difficult task in striking a careful balance between operational responsibilities (transactional exchange) and transformative leadership characteristics. The nurse manager may expand on the benefits of contingent compensation with behaviors that will raise transactional leadership into transformational leadership dimensions with careful preparation.


Richter, A., von Thiele Schwarz, U., Lornudd, C., Lundmark, R., Mosson, R., & Hasson, H. (2016). iLead-a transformational leadership intervention to train healthcare managers’ implementation leadership. Implementation Science, 11, 108. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, June 1). ILead—a Transformational Leadership Intervention.

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