Information Technology Lessons for Managers


Information technology (IT) is becoming increasingly significant in the modern world due to the digitalization of all areas of life. The three lessons that managers can learn from this development are remote management, business optimization, and networking. While there are multiple other benefits of implementing IT in administration, these three learning points are crucial for managers to stay relevant in the market. First, remote management implies that innovative technologies enable new ways of communication, task assignment, and other methods of online interaction (“Importance of information,” n.d.). It means that managers need to acquire the necessary IT competencies to utilize the new administration methods.

Secondly, business optimization refers to the usage of IT resources to improve managerial tasks to increase the organization’s profitability. Extensive research proves that business performance directly relates to the implementation of innovative technologies and intelligent management practices (Yeniyurt et al., 2019). Lastly, networking and business communication benefit significantly from new IT technologies. Managers can use this approach to create better and more stable social connections between employees, increasing their productivity and enhancing their motivation (O’Brien, 2020). Ultimately, these three learning points might change how managers perceive their work in the modern world.

Analysis of IT Impact on Management

All of the examined benefits are applicable in the real world and can directly affect the business performance of organizations. In recent years, remote management has proven to be a highly effective strategy (Lund et al., 2020). The report by McKinsey Institute has revealed that remote work and online management strategies have the potential to drastically change the work environment in developed countries (Lund et al., 2020). If researchers are correct in their forecasts, then most managers need to learn how to use new IT technologies and effectively administrate in the online setting. This development will have a notable impact on real-world businesses and potentially change traditional managerial practices. Hence, the first highlight from the learnings is that managers must acquire the necessary IT competencies to succeed in the online work environment.

The second learning point concerning business optimization is slightly less relevant for managers, specifically, but it will become an integral part of most organizations. It implies that managers might need to learn about cloud computing, AI, data analytics, and other business-related IT technologies to stay relevant in the modern work environment (O’Brien, 2020). Lastly, the impact of IT on networking is immense since it provides new methods of business communication and team building (O’Brien, 2020). Since management directly concerns the relationships between employees and the work atmosphere, managers can significantly benefit from learning new IT approaches to communication. Ultimately, the second highlight from the learnings is that managers should implement new networking features to build trust and improve teamwork within organizations.

One of the future trends that are most likely to occur is the shift to remote work and management. As COVID-19 has already shown, online communication via video calls and other IT technologies can mitigate the challenges of remote work (Lund et al., 2020). This trend relates both to remote management and IT networking, and it might become even more relevant in the future, particularly in developed countries. Consequently, business optimization and implementation of innovative IT technologies might revolutionize modern business. While less meaningful for managers, optimization techniques, including big data analytics, AI, and neural networks, are already changing contemporary business (O’Brien, 2020). It is highly possible that organizations will shift to more AI-related content in the future. Consequently, since managers are the core of organizations, they need to be competent in these areas to stay relevant in the market. Ultimately, IT has changed the business world drastically in the recent twenty years and is likely to change it even more in the future. Managers need to incorporate the learning points from IT into their work to become more efficient in administration and acquire new competencies in the digital environment.


Importance of information technology in today’s world. (n.d.). Digital Class World. Web.

Lund, S., Madgavkar, A., Manyika, J., & Smit, S. (2020). What’s next for remote work: An analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries. McKinsey Global Institute. Web.

O’Brien, S. (2020). What is information technology and how it has improved business connections. Ring Central. Web.

Yeniyurt, S., Wu, F., Kim, D., & Cavusgil, S. T. (2019). Information technology resources, innovativeness, and supply chain capabilities as drivers of business performance: A retrospective and future research directions. Industrial Marketing Management, 79, 46-52.

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