Interdisciplinary Program for Pressure Sore Therapy

With the prevalence of pressure ulcers and the multiple challenges experienced by medical practitioners, this proposal presents a program for pressure sore therapy. It proposes an interdisciplinary collaboration between all relevant stakeholders to facilitate treatment and complete recovery of pressure sore patients. It draws upon the leadership and change theories that will guide medical practitioners in following this proposal and ensuring that the prevalence of pressure sores is significantly reduced among the population.


To develop a multi-dimensional plan for testing, treatment, and support for sore ulcers patients at Novant Health Matthews Medical Center. If successful, this plan will aid in the diagnosis, advanced treatment options and ensure patients receive full support in the community. This objective is aligned with the application of change theories, and leadership attributes to interdisciplinary collaboration.

Questions and Predictions

  1. How can early detection aid in pressure ulcers treatment?
    1. One of the key ways to aid in early diagnosis is measuring the extrinsic factors and their influence on patients’ mobility. Advanced imaging will also help in soft tissues estimation, thereby helping medical practitioners to detect early signs. The use of 3D elastography will reduce pressure ulcers’ prevalence and severity by 50%.
  2. How can medical practitioners support patients’ recovery and well-being after treatment?
    1. Good nutrition and fluid intake are among the most significant factors causing pressure sores. Medical practitioners will collaborate with dietitians and social services to assist patients to easily access the relevant dietary complements to facilitate recovery.
  3. Is an interdisciplinary collaboration possible in such a case?
    1. Yes, nurses can work together at the hospital to share insight into the diagnosis and treatment phases. After-treatment support will be offered through follow-up programs that bring together all stakeholders, including social workers. This way, all disciplines will work together and reduce the overall number of pressure sores cases.

Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

Kurt Lewin’s three-phase change theory applies to the development of an effective pressure ulcers treatment and support. This theory proposes that medical practitioners have to first acknowledge the need for a change in addressing pressure sores (Hussain et al., 2018). It follows to develop and implement a better diagnosis and treatment plan, and lastly, make it the norm at the hospital. To implement this proposal, leaders at the Novant Health Matthews Medical Center will follow the laissez-faire leadership style by putting trust and confidence in their employees (Breevaart & Zacher, 2019). This way, Novant Health Matthews Medical Center nurses will involve the senior medical officers in cases that require specialized care. At the same time, leaders will work with dietitians, nurses, and social workers to follow up on the patients and deliver the support needed.

Team Collaboration Strategy

  1. Primary care nurses will oversee wound care and treatment plans and educate patients on managing wounds.
  2. A social worker will collaborate with the nurses to help families access nutritional supplements and facilitate personal skincare.
  3. A physical therapist will help patients with mobility issues
  4. A vascular surgeon will conduct surgeries when needed

This proposal is based on a team and external collaboration plan that entails working with all medical practitioners within the medical center while collaborating with experts in other hospitals. This strategy helps enable team members to share insight and gain new perspectives from external collaboration.

Required Organizational Resources

This proposal requires the recruitment of three primary care nurses to support the team available at the hospital. Each nurse’s recruitment will cost approximately $ 10,000 for a total of $30,000. Novant Health Matthews Medical Center will also need to purchase a 3D imaging machine costing an average of $150,000.The primary care nurses will need access to the patients’ medical files from the imaging department. Overall, this proposal will cost approximately $200,000, including the social workers’ time cost. If unsuccessful, Novant Health Matthews Medical Center will lose the $200,000 invested and miss out on community engagement.


Breevaart, K., & Zacher, H. (2019). Main and interactive effects of weekly transformational and laissez‐faire leadership on followers’ trust in the leader and leader effectiveness. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 92(2), 384-409.

Hussain, S. T., Lei, S., Akram, T., Haider, M. J., Hussain, S. H., & Ali, M. (2018). Kurt Lewin’s change model: A critical review of the role of leadership and employee involvement in organizational change. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 3(3), 123–127.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 28). Interdisciplinary Program for Pressure Sore Therapy.

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