International Marketing Strategy

Start-ups are carried out in various parts of the world every day, and their creators are united by the desire to achieve success in the local or global markets. I agree with the statement that global markets are becoming similar; however, that does not mean that companies should omit local features in their strategy. For example, in the spring of 2016, the temporary blocking of WhatsApp in Brazil resulted in millions of new Telegram users (Morgan et al., 2019). Obviously, with a high-end product and high-quality localization, there is every chance to move global competitors from the first place. It can be assumed that the secret to this project’s success is the team and the initial focus not on any particular market but on the global level.

The desire to compete not with local teams but with international players immediately gives the project a different attitude. Nevertheless, the company should not look international for local clients to succeed in the market. For example, the energy drink manufacturer Red Bull is an Austrian company, but it is a local brand for numerous Americans (Morgan et al., 2019). A sound marketing strategy allows the enterprise to be close to customers in each country; this universal approach is the key to success.


Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2019). Research in marketing strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 4-29.

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