Leadership Challenges and Professional Military Ethics

The conservative nature of the whole political structure portrays a strong character of resisting change. Chirot’s model provides different scenarios likely to be expected when practicing leadership among individuals from unique and diverse cultural settings. While being raised through the ranks, an officer of any political setting should understand the different cultures of the juniors. Aspects of religion and the way of living should be well understood to avoid overlapping cultural beliefs. However, the management hierarchy should be well structured for understanding who should report to who. The system should define the two essential variables, being legal and general ethics. According to Cook (2014), an officer may portray leadership of loyal diligence and honesty but become incompetent while performing tasks. Therefore, professionalism should be defined based on personal ethics and degree of autonomy.

The aspect of globalization has changed the idea of approaching culture. According to Haskins (2010), Chirot’s model insists that culture remains neutral to change. When using a certain cultural view while making a decision, it should not rely on making a yes or no answer but rather find a middle ground that accommodates every decision. However, McChrystal (2012) claims that while in a group of the same interest or bloodline, change is not voluntarily accepted in any culture. For an individual to be promoted to a senior, one must show high levels of professionalism. The aspect of levels of public trust should be outstanding, and it mostly applies to military personnel specialized for a combat mission. They have to respect the cultures of the thriving regions, for they need to relate well with the locals.

Being a social institution, the military should always be flexible to change of environment. Change of the surrounding requires a mindset of accepting the changing nature of diverse cultures. Military institutions tend to experience a conservative force, and leaders of these military units have to remind every officer of the benefit of embracing change continuously. McChrystal (2012) claims that managing several military officers in a mission requires an internal resistance to intellectual laziness. An individual should accept correlative responsibility, which is a gateway to accepting change. Military personnel is expected to act diligently and respect ethics while undertaking any duty, whether on a mission or not.

Chirot’s model defines the environment of the economy as a battlefield. Leadership along this battlefield type of environment should always determine the fate of good ideas. By defining the deliberate simplification of certain decisions, the leader will ensure every aspect of decision-making is taken into account (Cook, 2014). When applying the change to the external structure of any institution, every active stakeholder should be involved. The leader of change should define the nature of the internal environment, whether it has diverse workmanship. Since the economic part of Chirot’s Model tends to be neutral with change, internal culture should be well understood.

Therefore, the Chirot Model defines every aspect of the cultural environment and provides different variables that should be practiced to ensure effective human resource management. Culture has proved to be vital in both the decision-making process and effective management. Chirot’s model appreciates four strong aspects of management. The economic world welcomes sharing of new ideas and tends to be neutral to multicultural. The social institution and the general political system modify the cultural setting individually. Through a well-coordinated management system that respects the autonomy and ethical values, change can be initiated without any resistance from stakeholders


Cook, M. (2014). Professional Military Ethics [Video file]. Web.

Haskins, C. (2010). A practical approach to cultural insight. Army Combined Arms center Fort Leavenworth Ks Military Review. Web.

McChrystal, S. (2012). Encouraging Cultural Change [Video file]. Web.

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"Leadership Challenges and Professional Military Ethics." AssignZen, 8 May 2023, assignzen.com/leadership-challenges-and-professional-military-ethics/.

1. AssignZen. "Leadership Challenges and Professional Military Ethics." May 8, 2023. https://assignzen.com/leadership-challenges-and-professional-military-ethics/.


AssignZen. "Leadership Challenges and Professional Military Ethics." May 8, 2023. https://assignzen.com/leadership-challenges-and-professional-military-ethics/.


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