Non-Programmed Decision in Personal Experience

Non-programmed decisions require consideration of unique factors, which complicate the decision-making and risk assessment process. Such decisions “involve scenarios that are new or novel and for which there are no proven answers to use as a guide” (Celestina et al., 2018, p. 515). Thus, this concept refers to such situations that arise for the first time and require the evaluation of incomplete information. In the last year, one of the major non-programmed decisions for me has been buying a car. This situation is unique for me as this is my first car, and also, the modern automotive market is unpredictable due to economic transformations.

As part of the decision, I used all the necessary decision steps. First of all, I identified a solution that needs to be considered and started collecting information. After collecting information, I considered alternatives; that is, I chose several car models based on the data. I weighed the information available to me about the advantages and disadvantages of each option to find the best one. Finally, having chosen the best option, I settled on it and made a purchase, after which I evaluated the consequences of the decision made.

In the course of making a decision, I needed to interact with factors such as emotions. In this regard, I needed to evaluate options rationally without focusing on my preferences. After buying the car, I realized that this action was not necessary for me, and the car did not make my life much better and more convenient. However, I continued to use it instead of selling it or abandoning it, which is an escalation of commitment. With regard to risk propensity, I chose the option that could cause me financial losses in the future, but in other respects, it was the most suitable for me. Finally, I did not have confidence in the decision made, as there were many factors beyond my control within the assessment, which are difficult to predict.


Celestina, A. C., Chigozie, M. P., & Chijioke, E. (2018). Role of brainstorming on non-programmed decision-making in Central Bank of Nigeria. Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management, 513-525. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, June 9). Non-Programmed Decision in Personal Experience.

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