Observation and Overcoming Nervousness

Observation means paying attention to important subtle details to get a deeper understanding of the problem or gain new insights into an issue. It has an important role as one of the foundations of critical thinking because it supplies an individual with a great deal of data that can further be used to make better decisions. This skill allows people to receive information with all five senses, which increases individuals’ ability to understand what is happening around them and why. Observation is particularly helpful in communication, particularly in public speaking, because the speaker can observe the audience’s reaction to his or her speech and adjust the delivery strategy as needed.

Observation can help in preparing effective speeches of different types. As Ramos (2020) reports, when students possess much knowledge about a particular subject, they can construct better logical arguments. It is the observation that supplies individuals with a large amount of knowledge, which means that carefully observing details is helpful in effective public communication. This skill can be particularly useful for preparing descriptive speeches because, by being observant, people can show more plausible pictures with words. It is also valuable for writing informative speeches because the more information a person possesses about the topic, the easier it will be for him or her to share it with the audience in a comprehensible way. Finally, this skill can be useful for preparing persuasive speeches if speakers take the time to observe their audience in advance and tailor their speeches according to their interests, attitudes, and level of competence.

Like many people, I feel nervous when speaking in public, but I have learned to cope with it. My first step to overcoming nervousness is to get thoroughly prepared for the presentation. I carefully study the subject, write the speech, create visual aids if necessary and make sure that I will be able to show them to the audience. I also rehearse my presentations several times in front of a mirror or a camera to make sure that I understand the material and present it effectively. Additionally, I try to visualize my success instead of thinking of what might go wrong. Right before delivering the speech, I take a few deep breaths to relax. Finally, when speaking in public, I avoid looking at my audience. Although it may not be a good strategy for a public speaker, it helps stay calm.


Ramos, I. D. D. (2020). Public speaking preparation stage: Critical thinking and organization skills in South Korea. International Research in Education, 8(2), 77-96.

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AssignZen. (2023, March 11). Observation and Overcoming Nervousness. https://assignzen.com/observation-and-overcoming-nervousness/

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"Observation and Overcoming Nervousness." AssignZen, 11 Mar. 2023, assignzen.com/observation-and-overcoming-nervousness/.

1. AssignZen. "Observation and Overcoming Nervousness." March 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/observation-and-overcoming-nervousness/.


AssignZen. "Observation and Overcoming Nervousness." March 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/observation-and-overcoming-nervousness/.


AssignZen. 2023. "Observation and Overcoming Nervousness." March 11, 2023. https://assignzen.com/observation-and-overcoming-nervousness/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Observation and Overcoming Nervousness'. 11 March.

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