Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency

Introduction: Overview of Patient Advocacy

  • Patient advocacy within nursing involves speaking up for patients’ rights based on their care and safety.
  • The patient advocate acts in a way to help both the client and their families.
  • Advocate’s work is related to such tenets as representing the patient

Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency in Healthcare

  • Healthcare disparities can be avoided by advocating the culture of patients.
  • At times, nurses will be forced to advocate for their patients due to myriad factors that can impact the provided care.
  • For instance, factors such as social groups and family structure may turn to impact the delivery of care by limiting the care provided.

Importance of Patient Advocacy in Cultural Competency

  • Patient advocacy plays a critical role in cultural competency in nursing.
  • Patient advocacy has impacted social estimations of gatherings globally.
  • It has become a way of championing for effective processes and unwavering patient care.
  • With the growing diversity, patient advocacy has emerged to advocate the beliefs of diverse cultural groups.
  • It has enhanced the way nurses and patients relate within the healthcare services cape.
  • There has been much effort geared towards providing culturally competent healthcare.
  • This has been incorporated in the provision of medicine that appeals to patient’s religious beliefs.
  • There has also been an awareness of the various types of religious and cultural needs of patient diversity in healthcare.

Patient Advocacy and Religious Beliefs

  • Nurses deliver care that touches the religious beliefs of patients
  • Handling of the body as per religious view
  • Providing meals at the healthcare which do not go against their religious faith


  1. Prevent unwelcome family visits,
  2. Show correct nursing care, and
  3. Teach patients to advocate for themselves.
  4. Patient advocacy entails understanding patients’ cultural beliefs, values, and cultural variations.
  5. Cultural competency in the medical field is an essential aspect as it impacts the delivery of care profoundly.
  6. Care delivery must be centered on patients’ wishes


Abbasinia, M., Ahmadi, F., & Kazemnejad, A. (2020). Patient advocacy in nursing: A concept analysis. Nursing Ethics, 27(1), 141-151. Web.

Giddens, J. F. (2017). Concepts for Nursing Practice (2nd ed).Elsevier

Potter, P. A, Perry, A. G., Stockert, P. A., & Hall, A. M. (2017). Fundamentals of nursing (9th ed.).Elsevier

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AssignZen. (2023, April 13). Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency.

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"Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency." AssignZen, 13 Apr. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. "Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency." April 13, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Patient Advocacy and Cultural Competency'. 13 April.

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