Service Management Operations, Strategy, Information Technology

Any modern organisation aims to optimise its business strategy and increase profits. However, for companies that work with clients and provide particular services rather than just products, it is paramount to focus and reflect on service centeredness of such organisations. This paper will consider the organisation the author works in and evaluate it in terms of service triad components and complaints feedback system.

Evaluating the Service Encounter Triad components may allow our coffee shop to understand whether it is customer oriented. First of all, we have a great culture with shared values, our employees are empowered to express their ideas, but we lack proper control systems, especially the diagnostic one (Bordoloi et al., 2018). The second element of the triad is contact personnel – our baristas are well-trained and selected, and they try to maintain an ethical climate to make sure that everyone in the coffee shop is welcomed. Finally, some autonomy is given to our clients who can add sugar or spices to their coffee at the self-service counter without interacting with the staff. Therefore, almost all the triad elements are followed by our coffee shop.

Apart from being concerned with the quality of its product, Gloria Jean’s strives to improve customer service. It becomes apparent from its mission statement and values (Our vision, mission & values, n.d.). The organisation achieves that by presenting a customer feedback loop in online feedback forms. Lovelock et al. (2015) mention a’ complaints as opportunities’ culture that encourages employees not to perceive complaints as an offence. Thus, by transforming seemingly negative complaints into neutral and constructive feedback, Gloria Jean’s learns from its mistakes caused by its employees. Concerning the service-profit chain, the quality of the service that the company provides directly correlates with its profitability. By providing excellent customer service with the help of the contact personnel and complaints feedback system, Gloria Jean’s significantly increases customer loyalty and ensures a stable customer flow in its branches.

In conclusion, similar to the majority of its competitors, Gloria Jean’s franchise introduces a strict hierarchy among its employees in accordance with the service triad components. Moreover, a continuous feedback loop is established through online feedback forms and real-life communication with shift supervisors, allowing the company to gather complaints, analyse them, and use them to improve the quality of its client service.


Bordoloi, S., Fitzsimmons, J. A. and Fitzsimmons, M. J. (2018). Service management operations, strategy, information technology (9th ed.). McGraw Hill.

Lovelock, C. H., Patterson, P. and Wirtz, J. (2015). Services marketing: An Asia-Pacific and Australian perspective (6th ed.). Pearson Australia.

Our vision, mission & values. (n.d.). Web.

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