Small Thing to Change the World

Everyone can improve their lives and the lives of others: for this, areas of personal responsibility should be defined to motivate themselves and others. It means that each problem is in the area of someone’s responsibility, and this person has to do something to solve them. Starting to act, a person starts a chain reaction: an active life position induces others to act, their actions, in turn, inspire others, and the world is gradually changing.

Social psychologists divide people into two categories, depending on how much they influence the world around them in the opinion of these people themselves. Some people draw energy from within themselves, are not afraid to act, take responsibility for their lives, and believe that all their successes and failures are the result of a conscious choice (Destin et al., 2017). People dependent on the external environment shift the responsibility to others and believe that their lives are controlled by fate, chance, or people with greater power (Destin et al., 2017). It would help if a person analyzed his or her behavior and mental attitudes to activate oneself and those around.

Classical concepts of ethical decision-making emphasize the combined influence of personal and situational/contextual factors. Situational/contextual factors can be problem characteristics, social influences, groups, intergroup dynamics, and others. (Davis et al., 2017). The pandemic teaches that people are interconnected in terms of the impact of product/brand choices, so everyone should be aware of their choices (Hongwei & Lloyd, 2020). Human actions affect the economic, social, and environmental spheres of life, which, in turn, affects the situation in the country.


Davis, L. S., Rivesb, M. L., & Mayaa, R. S. (2017). Introducing Personal Social Responsibility as a key element to upgrade CSR. Spanish Journal of Marketing – ESIC, 21(2). Web.

Destin, M., Rheinschmidt-Same, M., & Richeson, J. A. (2017). Status-Based Identity: A Conceptual Approach Integrating the Social Psychological Study of Socioeconomic Status and Identity. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(2). Web.

Hongwei, H., & Lloyd, H. (2020). The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on corporate social responsibility and marketing philosophy. Journal of Business Research, 116, 176–182. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, March 31). Small Thing to Change the World.

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