Teams, Leadership, and Ideal Employment

I selected a small IT team where I was working on development as the primary group. Because it was creative work, I had the same standing in the group as everyone else. This is relevant to how a creative group performs. I came upon a democratic team leader in this group. A democratic leadership style encourages group members to participate in decision-making. The team benefitted from candid conversations and differing points of view, so it carried much weight. Each team member is urged under participative leadership to voice their opinions and participate in decision-making. Even in this team, the leader encouraged open communication, assisted team members in setting goals, assessed their performance, and encouraged them to advance. This was a feasible management strategy since open communication encouraged team members to be innovative and creative. I demonstrated my skills while working in this group, and the sense of equality in my job and voice motivated me to advance the project and the team.

I chose the army as a secondary group since I am in active service in the army’s ranks. For the same reason that a different method appeals to me less than a democratic one, I view this group as secondary to myself. In the army, prestige rankings and military laws play a part in addition to its autocratic and hierarchical structure. For the army, clear orders are essential since they dictate every aspect of conduct and daily life. The authoritarian leadership style is one of the most divisive but successful among the several forms of leadership (Morris and Edmonds 71). Authoritative leaders go above and above to finish projects and accomplish objectives, especially for the army. An authoritarian leadership style can aid managers, in this case, officers, in taking prompt, decisive action. Additionally, authoritarianism in management enables the commander to provide the most excellent possible assistance for a group of subordinates. This, in my opinion, is the best course of action for the army’s main objectives, which are hostilities and protection.

A leadership style known as authoritarian leadership places the leader in total charge. With little or no input from the team, an authoritative leader establishes objectives, spells out procedures, and manages all the actions necessary to reach those objectives. Authoritarian leadership inspires organizations and their members to accomplish shared objectives (Morris and Edmonds ). These managers assist staff members at every level of their operations, guiding and instructing them to succeed. An army is a supportive group for me in this situation because team performance takes precedence over initiative.

A creative team with a democratic leadership structure is my dream workplace. This transparent leadership approach encourages group members to take the initiative (Zabolotniaia et al.). For me, the critical components of practical work are initiative and inventiveness. The ideal workplace would be in a field that values free speech and exchanging ideas (Morris and Edmonds 52). For me, the most productive teams are those in which each member’s contribution is valued on par with that of the group. They might inspire group members to include others by involving them (Zabolotniaia et al.). Democratic leaders may also foster trust since they want their team members to feel competent to do duties without supervision. This, in my opinion, is the standard for a perfect company and a manager who can bring out the best in each team member.

Employees frequently feel more valued by their firm when they participate in decision-making. With an autocratic regime and an army, this turned out to be a drawback for me. Increased productivity and team loyalty might result from this feeling of importance. This can thereby lower staff turnover. The team may examine more facets of a particular project and develop solutions that better suit the firm’s requirements. A leader may be very competent but lacks the social balance necessary to recognize and correct mistakes.

Works Cited

Morris, Lonnie R., Jr, and Wendy Edmonds. When Leadership Fails: Individual, Group and Organizational Lessons from the Worst Workplace Experiences. Zaltbommel, Netherlands, Van Haren Publishing, 2021.

Zabolotniaia, Mariia, et al. “Influence of leadership style on employees’ Innovative Activity.” Polish Journal of Management Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, Czestochowa University of Technology, 2019, pp. 478–96.

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