The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety

Research Design

To conduct the research, one could combine quantitative and qualitative methods. After securing a group of participants with iron deficiency, the mixed approach should be utilized to achieve the most illustrative picture. Based on the research specifics, a target group in question would be young women and girls between the ages of 16 and 19 who experience heavy menses (Cook et al., 2017). They could be later approached with a combination of short bivariable questions via remote surveys and more detailed in-person interviews. The research primary findings should then be processed with reference to existing appropriate literature on nursing and gynecology. Anonymity is crucial at all stages of the research and must be guaranteed to the participants, particularly due to the somewhat sensitive nature of the research. After processing the findings and conducting a literature review, the report is to be developed and presented. It can then be submitted for publication into the appropriate scientific journals if the researchers so decide.

Population Selection

The goal of the research is to test the correlation between iron deficiency and high anxiety levels in young women with heavy menses. Simple random sampling is recommended for application to the otherwise eligible groups of participants to avoid the unaccounted influence of other factors. To elaborate, the sample must be representative of young women with critical conditions from multiple racial and social backgrounds. The problem of intense menses is prevalent among young women of all social strata (Bayen et al., 2020). Considering the potentially limited resources, it would be an efficient idea for a researcher to prioritize densely populated diverse areas or cities. Later on, when analyzing the data, social class, race, and cultural background should be accounted for unless a more detailed literature review deems it unnecessary.

Furthermore, all of the study participants should experience the symptoms of anxiety, persistent stress, and emotional vulnerability. Due to the sensitive nature of the research, recruitment of eligible participants should be conducted with the utmost delicacy. Hence, public advertisement of the study is not the best tactic in the outlined scenario. On the contrary, researchers recommend that researchers approach the potential participants individually or create a mailing list that would help in project details distribution.

Protection Technique

The participants’ privacy and personal data protection, as well as data protection of the research materials, must be guaranteed by the team members. To do so, it is strongly recommended that researchers encrypt the relevant files and remove name indicators from their titles, creating a unifying database instead. Access to the database should only be provided to the members of the research team. This should be ensured on digital and physical levels alike via passports and space management.

Furthermore, it is advised that additional participation options are available to the sample members who are not satisfied with the degree of anonymity in-person interviews provide. They can be conducted over the phone instead of the participant requires so. This approach would ensure even greater levels of personal data protection since even the research team member would not be able to link the response to a specific person (Lee et al., 2020). However, it is important to specify that this approach is associated with considerable HR costs, with over-the-phone interviews being more taxing if in a long format.

Analysis Methodology

Special computing software is instrumental in the most effective analysis of the research findings. General tools, such as Excel, would be insufficient, as they do not possess the most illustrative instruments to assess correlation, regression, and other internal data patterns. However, any of the commonly implemented in social sciences programs, such as SPSS or Gretl, could be helpful in systemizing and analyzing the findings. SPSS, in particular, is capable of running detailed regression reports with multiple graphs incorporated in them. It is generally easy to use with most guidelines available in the program itself, and the remaining few are explained on the Internet for free access. It is important to specify that although the usage of the software does not necessarily require a statistics expert, one would be extremely beneficial for the research in question. The presence of a specifically skilled person at this stage of the study would lead to the increased pace and efficiency of the project.


The chronological order of the crucial tasks is essential for the overall results of the project since it incorporates multiple elements of field research. The first step would involve the selection of the sample in accordance to the research needs and sample random sampling. Then, the design of questions for the survey and the interview stages of the field research. Afterward, the research itself, split into several different waves in necessary (Low et al., 2016). Afterwards the literature review and data analysis follows, both preliminary and via statistical tools. Finally, a report is designed on the basis of processed findings, concluded with any relevant recommendations on the upcoming research.


Bayen, S., Le Grand, C., Bayen, M., Richard, F., & Messaadi, N. (2020). Anemia management in non-menopausal women in a primary care setting: A prospective evaluation of clinical practice. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 13. Web.

Cooke, A. G., McCavit, T. L., Buchanan, G. R., & Powers, J. M. (2017). Iron deficiency anemia in adolescents who present with heavy menstrual bleeding. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 30(2), 247–250. Web.

Lee, H.-S., Chao, H.-H., Huang, W.-T., Chen, S. C.-C., & Yang, H.-Y. (2020). Psychiatric disorders risk in patients with iron deficiency anemia and association with iron supplementation medications: a nationwide database analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 20(1). Web.

Low, M. S., Speedy, J., Styles, C. E., De-Regil, L. M., & Pasricha, S.-R. (2016). Daily iron supplementation for improving anaemia, iron status and health in menstruating women. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 25). The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety.

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"The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety." AssignZen, 25 Apr. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety." April 25, 2023.


AssignZen. "The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety." April 25, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety." April 25, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'The Efficacy of Iron Supplementation to Reduce Vulnerability to Anxiety'. 25 April.

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