The Homelessness Problem in the Netherlands

Review of Literature

Homeless individuals face many challenges, including financial difficulties, psychological issues, substance addiction, and social marginalization. These issues both contribute to and are exacerbated by homelessness. Throughout the Netherlands, there are a few operational self-managed houses. As per Huber et al. (2020), empowerment is a philosophical idea that strikes a balance between the independence of decision and skills building. Psychological autonomy receives the most emphasis in research and practices. Cognitive empowerment comprises an awareness of one’s oversight and an interest in real social involvement (Huber et al., 2020). Mental support is attainable only in a favorable social community that fosters enlightenment through chances for personality growth and inspiring group identity.


The research paper addressed the question: How might the context of a self-managed housing help respondent motivation? Self-organized support can be viewed as an illustration of how an environment can support autonomy. In explaining how buyer-managed centers make a significant contribution to autonomy, Huber et al. (2020) established a role paradigm that defines how subjects are drawn into inspiring responsibilities through individual-environment communication in self-organized care environments. People will develop relationships, role skills, self-image, and personalities in these supportive surroundings.


The practical information was collected in a continuous (2009–2016) interactive practical analysis of empowerment mechanisms at Je Eigen Stek (JES). JES is a self-managed housing association affiliated with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences’ collaboration institute for the social context. Huber et al. (2020) applied responsive evaluation methodologies. Participants were involved in the review process, and their concerns about self-management catalyzed a discourse that fosters cooperative relationships and articulates unique viewpoints.

JES provided housing for sixteen people, and participants were responsible for program administration, from housekeeping through member admission and leave, as well as strategic problems. Seventy-two persons remained at JES throughout its first five years (2009–2014), ranging from less than a day to many years. When individuals who departed within a few weeks were excluded, the average occupancy rate was approximately 15 months. In addition, 72 volunteers, 51 of whom spent more than three months, and 32 were spoken to specifically as part of the experiment.

Design of Study and Analysis of Data

The review was performed by a multidisciplinary group of investigators comprising individuals with subjective experience. Respondents (N = 27), peer employees (N = 3), caseworkers (N = 2), and other interested parties (N = 10) were interviewed. Multiple conversations with subjects, peer experts, and social laborers resulted in 56 sessions. The interviews were conducted as part of two sub-projects, with 34 conducted as part of the first and 22 as part of the second.

To strengthen the validity of their project, subjects, professionals, and counselors from JES collaborated on co-designing the experiments, establishing topic categories, finding interviewees, co-interviewing, analyzing the findings, and participating in publishing. Huber et al. (2020) maintained touch with JES throughout the study, sharing initial analyses and developing models in many meetings with volunteers and caseworkers. Huber et al. (2020) took an iterative strategy, alternating between experimental observations and concepts and integrating interpretive and systematic coding with the assistance of MAXqda. To organize their vast database, they began by developing thematic groups that guided their emphasis, derived from the previous research and the indicated conceptual foundation

Results and Discussion

First, subjects’ characteristics, such as integration, homelessness, acquired helplessness gained during routine care, and individual interests, seemed to affect the advantages they received. Secondly, most participants, even those who had horrible experiences with JES, expressed appreciation for JES’s opportunity, room, and personal liberty to address their challenges in their way. Lastly, subjects who were optimistic about the interpersonal setting established social responsibilities and were more involved in strategy implementation, proposing and responding to initiatives, and pushing for JES with the Mother Company and municipality. However, some individuals withdrew due to mistrust of other respondents and an unwillingness to build social relationships. Huber et al. (2020) developed the role framework that gave insight into members’ growing roles, relationships, abilities, and self-image. Additionally, their findings corroborate the existence of a relationship between involvement with the relational context, process improvement, and explicit individual advancement.


The field of industrial and organizational psychology is broad and encompasses various issues relating to the welfare of workers. Some of the questions that the study area discussed in class were: Are modern workplaces sufficiently safe? And how can people make work secure? Moreover, the discipline inquires about some of the employees’ and owners’ various duties for forming and sustaining workplace health and safety? Finally, how can the unemployed be reintroduced to the labor force? Some of the challenges unhoused people face include financial and psychological problems. It is therefore important that the state uses various mechanisms to offer employment to the unemployed. Lack of employment has been a major cause of homelessness among people in the Netherlands. To reduce the impact associated with it, such as psychological issues, offering labor would help mitigate these influences.


The article is essential as it provides detailed information on the challenges homeless individuals within the Netherlands and the world go through in their daily lives. Through the JES, respondents’ attributes, such as reintegration, homelessness, developed helplessness during routine care and personal preferences, influenced their obtained benefits. Additionally, most participants, including those who had unpleasant experiences with JES, indicated gratitude and appreciation, space, and personal liberty provided by JES to handle their difficulties in their unique way. Therefore, the state should develop government-funded projects and mechanisms to help solve the problems associated with homelessness, such as mental illness. As such, psychological empowerment has proven critical in enhancing the lives of homeless individuals.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 11). The Homelessness Problem in the Netherlands.

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AssignZen. 2023. "The Homelessness Problem in the Netherlands." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'The Homelessness Problem in the Netherlands'. 11 April.

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