Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development

This article helps us comprehend gender identity development beyond the textbook’s research using a master Narrative framework. It’s a method used by people to understand their identity development more than the biological process. Gender identity in modern society is more than the sex of a person; it has changed due to the inclusion of diversity in community, such as the rise of nonbinary and LGBT. It involves understanding the individual status, narrative, and discursive, leading to gender equality.

According to McLean et al. (2017), there is a considerable difference in male and female gender development, as males are more likely to be involved in physical fights and have less memory ability than women. The difference between males and females is apparent in how people think and understand each situation; with such understanding, it would be easier for the two genders to coexist.

There are different ways to support a family member, colleague, or friend who identifies as nonbinary. A nonbinary person can neither be recognized as a man nor a woman. Some ways are to acknowledge what they stand for and support them during name change, change of pronouns, and the clothes they want to wear. Recognizing them in society and supporting their change makes them feel included in community. Also, you can help them by advocating and changing laws, rules, regulations, and myths that do not support nonbinary such as the use of all-gender toilets, laws that recognize them, and inclusion in the marriage act.

In my opinion, gender identity development applies to self-care as it entails what a person wants. It is a self-reflection of what a person feels and wants to express themselves; with that, the person can portray and express their self-identity. In the long run, it leads to self-development and actualization.


McLean, K. C., Shucard, H., & Syed, M. (2017). Applying the master narrative framework to gender identity development in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 5(2), 93-105.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 7). Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development.

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"Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development." AssignZen, 7 May 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development." May 7, 2023.


AssignZen. "Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development." May 7, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development." May 7, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Applying the Master Narrative Framework to Gender Identity Development'. 7 May.

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