Transformational Leaders and Employees Relationships

The main topic of this study is to clarify the relationship between transformational leaders and employees. Since there were gaps in the study of such practices’ impact on performance, the author’s goal was to close this lacuna with his preliminary research (Caillier, 2014). In this context, a research question’s choice is a logical development of the work’s purpose since Caillier identified the existing information gaps and tried to fill them. Thus, the research question is to analyze the impact of two motivators, public service motivation and mission valence, on transformational leadership practices that affect labor productivity (Caillier, 2014). Since there may be other problems in this topic, it is difficult to say whether this wording is the best reflection of the problem posed.

Quantitative research is used as the type of design used for this study, consistent with the question posed. Since the author needs to know the specific influence of two distinct factors, it is necessary to survey those who fall under the research topic (Caillier, 2014). Since the objective impact of factors on performance can only be established empirically through a questionnaire, the question also corresponds to the chosen method of obtaining information. It can be concluded that the selected research question is combined with the purpose and topic of the work and the overall design and approach used.

As mentioned above, this study has a quantitative design since it allows for the task’s best achievement. In this case, the author analyzes and describes the interaction of two motivators on labor productivity using quantitative data processed using statistical analysis (Burkholder et al., 2020). Research has specific features unique to this type of studies, such as measurement of variables and clear strategies for obtaining data. The descriptive questions used were designed to describe the primary variables, as seen in Table 1 (Caillier, 2014). Inferential questions correlate the obtained data, also making conclusions regarding the groups of interviewed persons.

This study is based primarily on transformational leadership theory, so the results obtained are consistent with theoretical conclusions. The variables under consideration are also strictly divided into groups according to their status: dependent and independent. Besides, in the study, several hypotheses are identified, which are then systematically explored through the analysis of three aspects of the topic: transformational leadership, public service motivation, and mission valence (Caillier, 2014). However, the author does not put forward any null or alternative hypotheses as a forward-looking statement. This fact can be explained by the fact that the study in question is a preliminary estimate. Finally, the questions cited and the description of the methods indicate the group of people being interviewed, consisting of local, state, and federal government employees (Caillier, 2014). The survey location, which is the Internet, is also described since the web-based survey was chosen as the method used. Thus, it can be concluded that this study is indeed quantitative. Inconsistency of some factors and specific violations of the design form may be associated with the fact that this work is a preliminary project.

Nevertheless, although this problem’s study is clearly at an early stage, the study is built adequately since it meets most of the necessary criteria. The underlying theory is explored in detail through literary analysis included in the design, which identifies gaps in the research that need to be filled (Caillier, 2014). From this literary analysis, highlighting the missing elements, the work’s primary goal is to fill in the gaps. While theoretically there could be more problematic points, the author focuses on two specific motivators within the transformational leadership framework.

The hypotheses developed represent a three-step design that determines the quantitative method of the study. Although there are certain shortcomings associated with the form of research, for the most part, the work carried out corresponds to quantitative analysis. The measurements carried out are sufficiently accurate and of high quality, are reliable and reliable due to the methods used (Babbie, 2017). Therefore, it can be concluded that, despite the existing issues, all study components correspond to each other, thereby forming a full-fledged work.


Babbie, E. (2017). Basics of social research (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Burkholder, G. J., Cox, K. A., Crawford, L. M., & Hitchcock, J. H. (Eds.). (2020). Research designs and methods: An applied guide for the scholar-practitioner. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Caillier, J. G. (2014). Toward a better understanding of the relationship between transformational leadership, public service motivation, mission valence, and employee performance: A preliminary study. Public Personnel Management, 43(2), 218–239.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 9). Transformational Leaders and Employees Relationships.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Transformational Leaders and Employees Relationships." July 9, 2023.


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