Challenges in Health Equity for Indigenous Peoples

In countries around the world, sometimes unequal conditions arise in regard to people. This is what Rosewood et al. note in the Challenges in health equity for Indigenous peoples in Canada. Due to the origin, the attitude of the health care system towards specific people and its accessibility is different. The role of social work practice is to organize the provision of assistance for various issues, including health, moral and legal support.

In Canada, over time, migratory nations began to appear, which settled and remained to live in the territory. As it’s importantly mentioned by Greenwood et al., the current healthcare system is complex and does not always function effectively. This can be seen in the high rates of infant mortality, obesity, and tuberculosis among the Inuit and Métis people (Greenwood et al., 2018). The use of specific examples by the authors is important since it is this that demonstrates the global nature of the problem that has existed for many years.

Possible indirect discrimination occurs, whereby certain groups or individuals in society receive worse conditions, but there are no clear signs of discrimination. The role of the social workers in working with discrimination is to provide a suitable program of various measures. Social workers can participate in the preparation of the necessary documents and seek the adoption of decisions that comply with the law in official instances. This includes coordinating the efforts of various government and public structures. Equality is the right of all people to be equal in their dignity and to participate in all spheres of life on an equal basis with others.

The author speaks of the need to create an ecosystem in the health sector, which will include a number of factors at once, such as funding, inclusiveness, equity, and certain policies to control implementation. As Philpott (2018) emphasizes, Canada is taking action to try to ensure equal opportunity for Indigenous nations. Similarly, Greenwood et al. agree that in 2016 a policy was already created that should support the creation of equal opportunities, including for the indigenous peoples of Canada. In many ways, the main objective of policy and health care policy reform is to provide indigenous peoples and their children with the same access to health care services as other people (Greenwood et al., 2018). At the same time, the rest of the information in the article suggests that the decree does not function effectively.

Inequality has persisted over the years as a consequence of past colonial policies. In this regard, a certain part of the population lives with a preliminary low socioeconomic status (Greenwood et al., 2018). This is reflected in the possibility for people to access good medicine. As a service provider, the social worker must take responsibility for providing services without discrimination against different people. In order to achieve full and effective equality, it is important to require public authorities and private organizations to provide reasonable accommodations for people with different needs depending on their belonging to one or more groups whose access to rights is limited.

In conclusion, the modern world implies the residence of peoples of different nations and many people who stand out in comparison with generally accepted standards. However, tolerance and inclusiveness of society are important so that each person receives equal rights and opportunities that he could use during his life. While there is discrimination against certain groups, the role of social workers is to protect their rights and provide all kinds of assistance to provide optimal living conditions. The provision of social care requires modifications that are necessary and appropriate to the needs of people.


Greenwood, M., de Leeuw, S., & Lindsay, N. (2018). Challenges in health equity for Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Lancet, 391(10131), 1645-1648. Web.

Philpott, J. (2018). Canada’s efforts to ensure the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples. Lancet (London, England), 391(10131), 1650-1651. Web.

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