Confronting Obesity With Education


Accumulating necessary knowledge regarding health care issues can be a difficult task for any individual. In the current age, numerous populations are susceptible to chronic illnesses linked to obesity, and such dangers should be highlighted and discussed with the community members. To present the knowledge in a transparent and comprehensive form, it is essential to consider the audience’s overall characteristics, health needs, and the outcomes expected from the conclusion of educational activities. This work will evaluate the target group of people aged from 40 to 60 years, stating their attributes according to the Neuman Systems Model and suggesting a health promotion plan for a teaching presentation.

Assessing the Qualities of the Chosen Aggregate

For my project, I have chosen individuals from my community in Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida, aged between 40 and 60 years. Given the number of complications that can arise after the onset of obesity, the adult generation should be knowledgeable of potential health risks and efficient prevention methods. However, there is a significant lack of educational possibilities available for individuals in my community, and the threats to their well-being grow remarkably every year. According to the recent statistics, the trend toward extreme weight gain is highly prominent in Seminole and can adversely impact the welfare of the citizens, especially those in the mentioned interval (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, n.d.). In this regard, I have chosen this audience as the target group for the teaching session, aspiring to enhance knowledge accessibility and contribute to the prevention of health complications.

The Neuman Systems model provides an excellent method of assessing the aggregate qualities with the consideration of all relevant factors influencing the clients. First of all, of special interest is the physiological variable, which refers to the physical structure and body functions. In my community, a pertinent problem is an obesity, caused by a lack of movement, consistent vehicle transportation, and little exercise. Being overweight is closely linked to the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, asthma, and osteoarthritis. The physiological condition of the aggregate is manifesting evident susceptibility to obesity complications and should be addressed correspondingly.

Another prominent variable is the psychological element of the Neuman model, related to the individuals’ mental processes and relationship sustainability. From this perspective, the chosen aggregate manifests considerable strength and possesses a method of illness prevention. As the community is primarily middle class, with the observed high level of interpersonal connectedness and overall quietude, the psychological condition of the individuals remains stable. Moreover, the lack of financial issues is a substantial factor that contributes to the overall psychological welfare of the population.

The sociocultural variable is a vital part of the community assessment that considers social and cultural expectations, as well as activities available to the individuals. Given that the sociocultural expectations of the population demonstrate the tendency towards an increased level of life and the desire to sustain longevity, educational opportunities might be regarded positively. However, while there are numerous community events open to the public, the variety of accessible learning activities is greatly reduced, necessitating an introduction of additional options.

The developmental variable is also highly impacted by diminished educational possibilities. The development over the life span, represented in this aspect of the Neuman model, is a crucial factor in establishing an appropriate level of well-being. Although the current community members have undergone the necessary developmental processes during their previous years, the contemporary setting does not fully accommodate their educational needs, demonstrating a low degree of growth regarding the medical complications.

The spiritual variable plays an important part in shaping the intrinsic and extrinsic environment of the involved individuals. The inclinations towards Christianity and the presence of a church in the vicinity are highly beneficial for the community representatives, as they grant supplementary protection against the consequences of isolation. The majority of the population are consistent church visitors, which positively influences the psychological and sociocultural variables, establishing the needed protection against social and mental complications.

Overall, from the observed characteristics of the aggregate, it becomes evident that there is a substantial gap in the physiological well-being of the population, which is further negatively impacted by the lack of educational activities. As the representatives of this community suffer from the highlighted issues, they require consistent support that covers their health needs. Such demands as sustaining a healthy weight, battling the consequences of an inactive lifestyle, and preventing the emergence of diabetes, CVD, and other medical complications should be addressed. The necessary aid can be offered in the form of learning, ensuring the individuals’ longevity, and promoting the welfare of the population.

Potential Threats and Repercussions in Connection with Health Promotion

Considering the aforementioned problematic areas, the aggregate’s health appears to be at significant risk. According to several studies, there is a strong link between the displays of obesity and various general health ramifications, which decrease the quality of life and severely affect potential longevity. The range of overweight issues is exceptionally high, and a majority of these illnesses have been found to correlate with cardiovascular system failures, mental disorders, and diabetes (Lu et al., 2018). As stated in my previous paper, in the group analyzed, there is a remarkable tendency towards a sitting lifestyle, prompted by vehicle transportation and social attitudes. Therefore, to avoid such gruesome outcomes as coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, it is essential to maintain a proper level of activity, which contributes to the loss of weight and reduces the potential risk. In this regard, the availability of relevant knowledge becomes a pertinent issue.

The studies initiated by scholars often reflect on the connection between information access, health promotion agendas, and the quality of life for aged individuals. According to the results, educational campaigns exceptionally benefit the ease of securing relevant medical information, allowing the participants to implement newer methods of obesity prevention (Lavie et al., 2018). However, the materials presented should incorporate the traits of the population, offering comprehensive strategies which correlate with the audience’s characteristics (Jane et al., 2018). Therefore, in my teaching plans, I intend to convey simple and coherent information, which refers to the individuals’ attributes, for instance, social values and spiritual involvement, to establish the necessary bond (Batsis et al., 2017). After that, I plan to delegate specific strategies, such as activity programs, that alleviate the adverse ramifications and allow to achieve the level of health desired.

Battling Obesity: The Inclusion of the Activity Creation Principle

Throughout the teaching session, I intend to focus on the Activity principle suggested by the Creation model to further discuss the positive aspects of maintaining a healthy weight. The demand for an active lifestyle and the necessity to consistently incorporate physical exercises into a person’s schedule is crucial for overcoming obesity and its potential complications (Rippe & Angelopoulos, 2016). Apart from fulfilling the requirements for physical movement and increasing resilience, physical exercises hinder the development of extreme weight, allowing the individuals to avoid the early onset of obesity. When combined with aerobic and stretching activities, regular training is a perfect strategy for sustaining an energetic lifestyle, which improves longevity and the manifestation of various illnesses, including being overweight (Parachin, 2020). From this perspective, it is essential for my audience to understand the significance of this life principle. Thus, my teaching activity will focus on introducing the Activity principle into the individuals’ daily or weekly routine, highlighting available public and individual options.

Learning Outcomes to Be Achieved

In my teaching session, I aim to accomplish several goals that establish the necessity for a healthier lifestyle among the community members. First of all, the learners must develop an informed overview of the issues related to obesity, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and high mortality rates. Knowledgeable insight into the negative consequences of extreme weight can contribute to the establishment of behavioral patterns that focus on sustaining a healthier lifestyle. Therefore, the audience is expected to diminish the practices that might cause obesity problems.

After that, an essential objective is to transfer knowledge on overweight prevention strategies, specifically the inclusion of the Activity Creation principle in the individuals’ lifestyle. I plan to deliver the information that will promote the incorporation of physical exercise into the audience’s daily or weekly routine. Finally, another aim I intend to fulfill is linked to awareness regarding the current health condition. It is anticipated that after the lecture’s conclusion, the aggregate will become more attentive regarding the personal health status, capable of ascertaining individual risk levels in relation to obesity problems.

Presentation Methods and Evaluation Procedures

To deliver the necessary information, my teaching project will implement specific instruction methods that contribute to the quality of learning. I will conduct a spoken lecture for the members of my community, which will be held in-person to promote interaction and allow the learners to concentrate solely on the event. Additionally, two short videos demonstrating the characteristics of obesity and its ramifications will be used to enhance understanding and capture the audience’s attention. Finally, I will use a whiteboard to explain the connections visually, representing the concepts in a drawing manner. This approach might be more beneficial for the aggregate, allowing the learners to acquire information through various perception dimensions.

Presentation Outline

  • Introduction
    • Greeting and personal introduction
    • Current topic: how can preventing obesity improve individual welfare?
    • Presentation goals: knowledge, understanding, action.
  • Obesity overview
    • Overweight in Seminole: a major health factor for adults
    • Negative outcomes following extreme weight: CVD, diabetes, decreased longevity and quality of life (video)
    • First symptoms of accelerated weight gain
  • Overcoming obesity: prominent methods and solutions
    • Weight control and symptom awareness
    • Activity Creation principle: how to stay active (video)
    • Necessary medical procedures
    • Prominent dieting strategies
  • Staying informed
    • Useful resources and websites
    • Possible community events
    • Spreading the information
  • Conclusion
    • Obesity characteristics and its connection to health issues
    • The necessity to remain aware and active
    • Future methods to include into a daily routine
    • Questions from the audience
    • Questionnaire handout

Knowledge Evaluation Methods

Establishing the success of any learning activity requires careful evaluation of the audience’s experience. To examine the quality of information retained after the lecture’s completion, I will offer the aggregate a questionnaire that will ascertain how likely it is for them to remain involved in obesity prevention endeavors. The questions will include such topics as altering the daily or weekly routine by considering healthy practices, performing an individual threat assessment, and maintaining an active lifestyle through fulfilling the Activity principle. Each member will complete the questionnaire at the end of the activity, ranging their answers between 1 and 10, where 1 is to never conduct the said action, and 10 is entirely possible to do so.

A Reflection on the Teaching Session: Improving the Learning Experience

The evaluations gathered after the lecture show significant interest from the participants, who were generally likely to change their behaviors in the future. All of the members stated that they would adhere to the activity principle, as well as attempt an assessment of individual obesity risks. Although the enthusiasm towards altering daily and weekly routines were slightly lower, altogether, the trend presented by the aggregate was positive towards future alterations. Furthermore, in the discussion organized at the end of the session, each of the learners exhibited remarkable involvement in the topic. Therefore, I believe that the chosen theme for highly relevant to the audience, which is a significant advantage for the project. Another strength was the method of providing material to the listeners, which prompted thoughtful conversations. Including several types of interactive resources greatly improved teaching results, allowing the aggregate to attain the information efficiently.

Nevertheless, there are some weaknesses of the session that should be noted in this assessment. As the topics discussed were quite extensive, the themes discussed by the participants were primarily related to the most crucial insights. In this regard, it is possible that some knowledge was missed or disregarded, contributing to a rather one-sided overview of the subject. Another disadvantage was the lack of interest from one learner, who was less involved in the lecture. Due to an Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, it was challenging for the member to maintain necessary concentration, although visual materials were regarded positively.

Considering the outlined limitations, I would incorporate the following changes if I were to repeat this teaching session. First of all, offering the audience supplementary reading materials to take with them would increase knowledge retention, promoting additional research in a secure environment. After that, to confront the difficulties connected with lengthy spoken segments, it would be advantageous to include a PowerPoint presentation that would allow the participants to choose between the most comfortable method of perceiving information.


To conclude, the promotion of obesity awareness and possible complications through a lecture for the aggregate between 40 and 60 years old was discussed in this work. Given the issues arising from consistent overweight in Seminole County, as well as the percentage of individuals suffering from extreme weight gain, it is crucial to establish relevant health promotion agendas. Offering credible means of gathering vital insights regarding the prevention of possible health complications can significantly decrease adult disease risks, simultaneously enhancing the individuals’ quality of life. The physiological variable of the Neuman Systems Model, as highlighted in this paper, is tremendously impacted by the lack of educational activities. Therefore, the conducted teaching session incorporated the adult population’s needs, aiming to improve the knowledge of the community members and provide them with methods of battling this condition.

The lecture’s materials have been shown to positively affect the learners, who manifested tendencies to change their behavior according to the requirements of a healthier lifestyle and the Activity Creation principle. Although several difficulties connected to the knowledge and interest retention were encountered, the overall event was highly beneficial for the aggregate given the displayed level of involvement. Altogether, it is imperative to continue the educational endeavors on the consequences of being overweight, aiming to improve the quality of presenting the material.


Batsis, J. A., Gill, L. E., Masutani, R. K., Adachi-Mejia, A. M., Blunt, H. B., Bagley, P. J., Lopez-Jimenez, F., & Bartels, S. J. (2017). Weight loss interventions in older adults with obesity: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials since 2005. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65(2), 257–268.

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. (n.d.). Seminole County, Florida.

Jane, M., Hagger, M., Foster, J., Ho, S., & Pal, S. (2018). Social media for health promotion and weight management: A critical debate. BMC Public Health, 18(1).

Lavie, C. J., Laddu, D., Arena, R., Ortega, F. B., Alpert, M. A., & Kushner, R. F. (2018). Healthy weight and obesity prevention: JACC health promotion series. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 72(13), 1506–1531.

Lu, D., Che, J.-Y., Lu, Y., wu, H., Yarla, N. Sastry, Lu, T.-R., Xu, B., & Huang, Y.-K. (2018). An overview of obesity. Metabolomics, 8(2), 1-4.

Parachin, V. M. (2020). Why exercise is the best medicine. Creation Life Blog.

Rippe, J. M., & Angelopoulos, T. J. (2016). Sugars, obesity, and cardiovascular disease: Results from recent randomized control trials. European Journal of Nutrition, 55(2), 45–53.

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