International Sources of Evidence in Healthcare

In any professional activity, the main task is to improve its quality constantly. To enhance the quality of nursing, it is necessary to comply with the standards of nursing services. It was done by both professional nursing associations and state bodies. It is no coincidence because the standards in nursing practice allow us to provide nursing care at a higher level, and in addition, it is possible to manage its quality with this approach. It should be borne in mind that the technologies of simple medical procedures are carefully worked out today. Still, they are only part of the multifaceted activities of the nursing staff. Foreign experience helps to understand how necessary it is to standardize the actions of a nurse fully.

International sources contain valuable information about various topics of interest to medical professionals. I was interested in the case of radiation therapy and the effect of radiation on cancer cells. After spending a large amount of time searching, I found an article that could satisfy my curiosity. This article is devoted to the biological effect of radiation on cancer cells and the features of therapeutic radiation (Wang et al., 2018). The authors of this article sought to provide a theoretical basis for combination therapy and open a new era in oncology. I determined that the source was not from the United States when I decided to find out a little more about the authors of this article. All three authors are from China and have published this work for the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Medical College of the Beijing Union.

The opinion of an international scientist for me, as a US citizen, was exciting and informative. Although the author claims that the effect of radiation and immunotherapy on the tumor will be the main topic in future cancer treatment, I believe that this procedure is still dangerous and requires further consideration (Wang et al., 2018). Unlike the authors, who believe that with the development of molecular biology and radiation oncology, radiation therapy plays an increasingly important role in cancer treatment, this type of treatment seems risky to me (Wang et al., 2018). Scientists should focus on safer ways to treat cancer, which will eventually lead to the desired results.

Researchers have many opportunities to improve health care by contributing to the development and implementation of appropriate policies. The higher the efficiency of a particular healthcare system, the faster and better the research performance. The results of these studies are directly influenced by attention to the quality of research and the savvy of researchers. The healthcare system of different countries should in every possible way support the policy of ongoing research and workers whose professional activities are under constant pressure. The reason for this is the growing costs, inadequate quality, and pervasive inequality in health care and medical care associated with individual characteristics. Thus, the strategy of health systems directly affects the quality of research conducted and the use of evidence that can influence health policy.

I will look for and use international sources of evidence for my practice since a global point of view can provide an exciting and unexpected perspective on a specific topic. International sources of evidence will help the researcher expand their horizons and discover what foreign scientists and researchers think about this problem. It is not required to fixate on the point of view adopted in your country, since many good researchers in other countries can provide very high-quality and valuable material. Moreover, other countries may adopt completely different approaches to any research, including medical research, which can solve a specific problem. The research results of international scientists are a valuable experience that cannot be neglected.

Sometimes, culture can influence the use of a particular source of evidence. For example, an adherent of the” old “culture may be skeptical or completely abandon the source of evidence that relates to the” new ” culture. In addition, culture has a significant impact on health, illness, and death, beliefs about the causes of diseases, and approaches to health promotion. Culture directly affects how illness and pain are experienced and expressed, where patients seek help, and what treatment patients prefer. Their respective cultures influence both healthcare professionals and patients. Cultural biases can lead to a refusal to use a certain source of evidence, which can negatively affect the quality of medical care.

Thus, it is possible to conclude that international sources of evidence are an essential component of scientific research. Different opinions prevail in other countries and cultural spaces, which may be similar or very different. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny the importance and usefulness of international sources of information since they provide a unique view of a representative of another culture and information space. The ability to recognize and negotiate cultural differences is a skill known as “cultural competence.” This perspective allows health care providers to ask specific questions about different beliefs or sources of medical care and include new awareness in diagnosis and treatment planning.


Wang, J. S., Wang, H. J., & Qian, H. L. (2018). Biological effects of radiation on cancer cells. Military Medical Research, 5(1), 1-10. Web.

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