Martians on the Earth: Business Futuristic Modelling

Let us imagine that Martians started immigrating to the Earth after the initiation of the interplanetary economy. Martians would be red-skinned, green-skinned, patient, physically weak, but are intelligent species with high skills in science and technologies. There are many obstacles that Martians will have to overcome if they start working with human beings. It is essential to realize that Martians would have completely different lifestyles, including the language, culture, traditions, and customs. There is a high probability that someone’s behavior will not live up to others expectations during intercultural encounters. People often interpret this behavior as an encroachment on our value system and morality. It evokes negative emotions that might shake someone’s self-concept. These conflicts arise in the intercultural communication of a person with people and other agents of the cultural system, including business.

Timely and frequent communication is an indicator of reliability and a key factor to gain the trust of business partners (Saatci 241). One of the challenges of intercultural communication is an assumption of similarities. Misunderstanding usually happens when people reckon that other people behave and communicate in the same or similar manner as they are. Moreover, language will be one of the most difficult challenges that people will have to face when working with Martians in one team, along with non-verbal language interpretations, which would significantly differ from Martian’s style. Another big issue working with Martians is prejudice and stereotypes. Prejudice and stereotypes are psychological processes that are natural and inevitable, hindering a clear perception of another person. Moreover, the difference in religious preferences can play an essential part in the presence of Martians on Earth. Also, anxiety and stress can be increased while intercultural communication is compared to familiar intracultural communication situations, which will definitely cause discomfort both for Martians and humans.

Laws will also play an essential role in successfully integrating Martians into a working environment on Earth. Discrimination Law, which does not allow discrimination against anyone based on race, religion, sex, color, nationality, will keep the working conditions more welcoming for Martians, who are different in terms of almost all aspects. The creation of a particular labor union for Martians on Earth would help them detect and resolve any problems in a working process. There is also a need to create new laws regarding the Martians on Earth. A law that would make humans and Martians take mandatory courses regarding any unique behavioral, cultural, or religious characteristics that everyone must know and consider when communicating and working with each other.

The most effective way to identify the best Martian worker is to use their own experience on Mars. Using Martian’s expertise would help to consider all specific cultural, religious, and traditional features when identifying the best worker. It would also be fair to include all Martians and humans in selecting the best Martian workers via anonymous voting.

In addition, to make other employees accept working Martians, the following measure can be taken to avoid future problems: (i) promote diversity among workers; (ii) punish any discrimination; (iii) promoter respect among workers; (iv) compose teams including a worker from different backgrounds; (v) make teambuilding activities with all employees together. This way, Martians would successfully be integrated into working with humans.

To conclude, integrate Martians to work on Earth is a conscientious and challenging process. Communication with Martians is a crucial aspect of doing interplanetary business. Also, the background of Martians, including their culture, religion, and tradition should be considered when developing a working environment. Even governmental laws should be reconsidered and changed to create an effective and safe environment for collaborative work.

Work Cited

Saatci, Elizabeth. “Problem-Based Learning in an Intercultural Business Communication Course: Communication Challenges in Intercultural Relationships in Internationalizing Small- or Medium-Sized Enterprises.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication, vol. 22, no. 2, 2008, pp. 237–260, Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, June 15). Martians on the Earth: Business Futuristic Modelling.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Martians on the Earth: Business Futuristic Modelling." June 15, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Martians on the Earth: Business Futuristic Modelling'. 15 June.

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