Resolving Bullying in Nursing through Transformational Authoritative Care


Working environment bullying is a type of offensive act performed by the aggressor towards one person or group. It tends to be enacted through different forms such as gossip spreading, verbal or even physical assaults towards the targeted person. Work environment bullying is definitely not a new issue, but it is an expanding concern for the nursing sphere. In the Australian setting, a study of enrolled medical nurses in Victoria tracked down that more than half of nursing staff had seen some type of offensive conduct (Hartin et al., 2018). Additionally, overtime working hours, short staffing, insufficient working conditions, and low level of career satisfaction are discovered to be primary predecessors of bullying among various social groups (Hartin et al., 2018). Consequently, bullying adversely influences both the psychological and physiological well-being of professional nurses.

There is a connection between common bullying cases and a sense of uneasiness, burnout, anxiety, and other stress-related mental problems (Hartin et al., 2018). Moving to another department or leaving are accounted as common consequences of bullying. Bullying in nursing results from a scope of management and relational elements which have transformed within many years of medical caregiving infrastructure. Eventually, the outcome is that people experience different types of conduct that have hurtful results, like mental trouble, enthusiastic fatigue, diminished occupation fulfillment, expanded non-attendance, and useless work environment and family connections. A significant culmination of this is the genuine potential for this to affect patient consideration adversely.

Methods to Cope with Bullying

Anti‐bullying laws, authoritative arrangements, and zero‐tolerance missions are an invite endeavor to guarantee caregivers’ managers and administrators start to address the obliteration brought about by bullying (Hartin et al., 2020). These actions alone will not address this growing destructive issue. Frequently, such arrangements and activities neglect to face the more profound causes of bullying (Hartin et al., 2020). The studies suggest that more trusting and aware work environments are the best strategy to cope with workplace problems (Hartin et al., 2020). This is a fundamental piece of any work environment which proves adequate to oversee any offensive behavior towards employees (Hartin et al., 2020). The accomplishment of such anti-bullying committees is dependent upon an assortment of components.

Managers’ Role in Bullying in Nursing

Managers should initially know about their job inside an authoritative construction to comprehend their current medical care climate capacity. The executive positions can be available at the lower, center, and upper levels. The discoveries feature the job of attendant supervisors in bringing awareness regarding the possible issues and the significance of the need to overcome bullying in the working environment (Karatuna et al., 2020). Incapable medical management is an encouraging variable for increasing bullying in nursing and the number of medical caretakers quitting the position because of facing bullying on the board (Karatuna et al., 2020). The researches demonstrate that medical attendants’ voices are frequently not heard (Hartin et al., 2020). There is a particular and pressing directive for the managers to react timely and effectively to each medical attendant who reports or raises the chance of bullying happening in the working frames.

Medical attendants in proper administration positions who settle on authoritative choices have especially significant tasks to combat bullying. Nursing managers should know about the manners by which bullying takes place and acquire the fundamental abilities to perceive, oversee, and forestall it (Grand Canyon University 2018). Nonetheless, senior attendants alone do not bear the duty regarding tending to the issue of bullying in nursing. Medical managers have an obligation to show authority in their expert positions (Grand Canyon University 2018). In doing as such, they eventually show regard for patients, their partners, and their profession. While the predecessors, appearances, reactions to, and effects of bullying change as indicated by setting and after some time, the issue will proceed if the conditions that add to it exists. Anticipation and mediation, as countervailing techniques, must, subsequently, be carried out to address the dynamic and advancing variables that have permitted bullying in the nursing calling to continue.

Leadership in Nursing

Demonstrations of the initiative are not generally perceived as eminent demonstrations by those in legitimate positions. All attendants can possibly affect patients’ lives consistently through different sorts of initiative freedoms that add themselves the feeling of connectedness to their ordinary practice. Transformational leadership is significant because it has been related to nursing work fulfillment and maintenance (Saleh et al., 2018). As a result, free, transparent, and proactive leadership is wanted by staff medical caretakers (Saleh et al., 2018). The best system to adapt to bullying is accounted for as conflict in a portion of the, and other issue centered procedures as making connections, sharing worries, and getting support from associates are additionally seen as accommodating in finishing bullying (Karatuna et al., 2020). Similarly, correspondence with the higher-in-position person and bosses is considered to be an adapting reaction.

Likewise, leadership style is a significant authoritative predecessor of bullying in numerous social groups that contrast in their social attributes (Hartin et al., 2020). For instance, in the absence of genuine and caring leaders, leaders that utilize their situation for private interests expanded the danger of bullying among attendants in a moderately lower power distance group (Karatuna et al., 2020). In like manner, the absence of transformative, supportive, and participative leadership and negative associations with bosses are demonstrated as significant bullying precursors (Karatuna et al., 2020). However, administration-related precursors are additionally revealed in higher placed workers (Karatuna et al., 2020). For instance, dishonest initiative and the absence of general help increase clinical workers’ tormenting in Southern Asia (Karatuna et al., 2020). Therefore, a transformational leadership model with a caring environment is often the best option to overcome the issue of bullying in nursing.


Bullying in nursing is becoming an uncontrollable harmful issue in the medical settings leading to the low turnover of nursing graduates and a short-term stay of nurses in workplaces. Factors such as work over-burden, a lack of personal, and high distressing working conditions are accounted for as perhaps the main precursors of bullying. Comparable discoveries are accounted for in a subjective audit that examined the workplace predecessors of bullying among enrolled attendants. Nurses who become bullying victims demonstrate low occupation fulfillment and high expectation to leave the association globally. The manager’s position and the type of approach to leadership are discovered to be a significant hierarchical predecessor of tormenting across various social groups. The insights regarding the predecessors of bullying are widely interconnected with the administration style, strive for power, or confidence assurance of the managers. The feeling-centered adapting methodologies and sharing information within the department illustrate to be efficient to manage bullying among all social groups.


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2018). Nursing leadership & management: Leading and serving. Web.

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2018). Bullying and the nursing profession in Australia: An integrative review of the literature. Collegian, 25(6), 613–619. Web.

Hartin, P., Birks, M., & Lindsay, D. (2020). Bullying in nursing: How has it changed over 4 decades? Journal of Nursing Management, 28(7), 1619–1626. Web.

Karatuna, I., Jönsson, S., & Muhonen, T. (2020). Workplace bullying in the nursing profession: A cross-cultural scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 111, 3–21. Web.

Saleh, U., O’Connor, T., Al-Subhi, H., Alkattan, R., Al-Harbi, S., & Patton, D. (2018). The impact of nurse managers’ leadership styles on ward staff. British Journal of Nursing, 27(4), 197–203. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 13). Resolving Bullying in Nursing through Transformational Authoritative Care.

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