The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century

Human services are called upon to ensure the possibility and quality of life of people around the world. However, considering recent trends primarily provoked by globalisation, overpopulation, and climate change, the load imposed on the social field is rapidly increasing (Turker, 2018). Thus, it is critically important to understand the main challenges for health services in the 21st century and how policymakers can mitigate those.

First of all, over the past few years, humanity has been living in a pandemic that had a measureless effect on the social and economic spheres worldwide. The unpreparedness of health systems has resulted in millions of deaths from Covid-19, substantial economic losses, and a lack of vaccines in undeveloped countries where the virus continues to evolve and mutate. Measures to prevent future outbreaks of diseases should include investment in medicine and medical services expansion in poor regions.

Furthermore, climate change also imposes a massive number of risks and challenges to human services. For example, more frequent cataclysms and extreme weather conditions lead to droughts, refugee flows, and a deterioration in the quality of life of millions of people. Moreover, there are other problems, such as increased poverty caused by less fertile soil and increased water levels that will flood coastal settlements (Turker, 2018). In general, partnerships and technological outbreaks are likely to play the most significant role in tackling the challenges of climate change.

All in all, humanity is experiencing critical social changes. Risks are mainly associated with global processes and cataclysms, which undoubtedly put pressure on human services. It is now more important than ever to promote international cooperation and invest in technology and social services to mitigate crises and ensure the quality of life for people in different parts of the world.


Turker, D. (2018). Global challenges: Aligning social responsibility and sustainable development goals. In Managing social responsibility (pp. 161-176). Springer, Cham.

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AssignZen. (2022, December 6). The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century.

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"The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century." AssignZen, 6 Dec. 2022,

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AssignZen. "The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century." December 6, 2022.


AssignZen. 2022. "The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century." December 6, 2022.


AssignZen. (2022) 'The Major Human Service Challenges in the 21st Century'. 6 December.

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