Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe

Zhao, Lihua. “Racial and sexual politics of Their Eyes are Watching God from a spatial perspective.” Theory and Practice in Language Studies 5, no. 11 (2015): 2315-2319.

In this journal article, Zhao (2015) presents a nuanced discussion of the racial and politics of Zora Neale Hurston’s most seminal scholarly work, Their Eyes are Watching God. The authors adopts a spatial perspective to illuminate the Hurston’s novel, particularly Janie’s character the harm and subjection that racial segregation and patriarchal system impose on African-Americans and women. The article presents an in-depth analysis of Janie’s persistent unconsciousness of the inexorable spatial divisions, her spatial movements and space images, which help in understanding how the character’s tendency to identify with blacks is ambivalent because of the harm bigotry inflicts on her and her feminist consciousness. This article will help explore Hurston’s contribution to the feminist movement through the succinct account of the racial and sexual politics.

Jones-Eversley, Sharon D., and Lorraine T. Dean. “After 121 years, it’s time to recognize WEB Du Bois as a founding father of social epidemiology.” The Journal of Negro Education 87, no. 3 (2018): 230-245.

This journal article explores WEB Du Boois’ contribution to the field of social epidemiology. One of the most important aspects of this work is the discussion of Du Bois’ Philadelphia Negro study that was conducted in 1899 to establish how racial discrimination contributes to social inequalities in the community. Results of the investigation revealed that systematic racism expose citizens to inequalities in many areas, including education, employment, criminal justice, and socioeconomic status. Du Bois’ cardinal research replicated the epidemiologic triangle model which has proved to be useful in translating research findings into evidence-based practice and systematic policy changes. This article is relevant because it exposes readers to Du Bois’ early research which contributed immensely to the study of factors that determine health and death, as well as hierarchical and sociopolitical structures which perpetuate racism and white privileged.

Drabinski, John. “Frantz Fanon.” (2019). Web.

The source provides a historical and thematic account of the fundamental issues (e.g., race, gender, and racism), which Frantz Omar Fanon examined, most of which remain important today. The article provides a critical account of Fanon’s contribution to emancipation, stretching from theorizing blackness to developing a more ambitious theoretical framework for addressing colonialism. The article further helps in understanding how Fanon radical vision, documented in academic journals and revolutionary newspapers, contributed to the anti-colonial struggle and freedom of many groups.

Trujillo, Simón Ventura. “The Indigenous Materialism of Jack D. Forbes: Notes Toward a Speculative Historiography for a Future without Europe.” Theory & Event 23, no. 4 (2020): 1106-1129.

In this essay, Trujillo (2020) deconstructs Jack D. Forbes’s work on Indian racialization. This source relevant to the essay because it provides a clear account of how Forbes challenged how the colonial system led to what the author terms “mass forms of ignorance regarding genealogies of cross-racial contact and intimacy” among individuals and communities that were subjected to suppression and exploitation during the colonial era in the United States. This source will help understand Forbes’ works on antiracism among Indian and African American communities.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 21). Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe. https://assignzen.com/racial-and-sexual-politics-in-europe/

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"Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe." AssignZen, 21 May 2023, assignzen.com/racial-and-sexual-politics-in-europe/.

1. AssignZen. "Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe." May 21, 2023. https://assignzen.com/racial-and-sexual-politics-in-europe/.


AssignZen. "Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe." May 21, 2023. https://assignzen.com/racial-and-sexual-politics-in-europe/.


AssignZen. 2023. "Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe." May 21, 2023. https://assignzen.com/racial-and-sexual-politics-in-europe/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Racial and Sexual Politics in Europe'. 21 May.

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