Sciences Essay Samples

Health Issues in Purebred Animals: Factors, Awareness, and Care

Introduction In accordance with the previously outlined research design, the primary research provided first-hand information from the interviews and questionnaire given out. I used questionnaires to acquire information about the experience of owning a purebred pet from different pet owners. Survey and Stakeholder Interviews I conducted a survey on the...

The Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity

Introduction Background Information Enzymes are biological catalysts of a protein nature that are formed in living cells and have the ability to activate various chemical compounds. A characteristic of the activity of enzymes is the rate at which they catalyze a particular reaction. It is measured by the rate of...

Moscow – the City of Ants

When one hears the word “Moscow,” the imagination tends to draw many things. The most reoccurring image usually involves snow falling upon the spiky rooftops of the Kremlin towers – a mighty fortress, which served for centuries as the seat of government for many rulers of this cold, frigid land....

Evolution Forces, Species, Isolation and Speciation

Introduction Evolution is a complicated process relying on such forces as natural selection, mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift. These forces affect groups of populations known as species and cause variation, which may form a new species. This process is known as speciation. Isolation can ease or hinder this process....

Theory Use and Case Study Evidence Collection

The Use of Theory Many authors use theories in the explanation of a given phenomenon. A theoretical framework as applied in quantitative research can be defined as the relationship between various variables that are based on hypotheses or propositions with the purpose of specifying how some constructs in a study-related....

The Kangaroo Island Council: Human Resource practices

Abstract The Kangaroo Island Council (KIC) was founded in 1996, has a population of 4413 people, and includes settlements such as Baudin Beach, Emu Bay, and American River (Kangaroo Island Council: Introduction, 2016). It is a local governmental authority, which ensures the prosperity, economic stability, and safety of the residents...

Media and Communications Research Methods

Introduction Researching anything is an exciting journey of discovery. According to Priest (2009, p. 3), some controversy exists about whether social science is science at all. One of the earliest sociologists was the 19th-century scholar Auguste Comte, who first thought of society as being like a biological organism divided into...

Technology in Education: Mixed-Methods Design

Introduction Numerous research methods are used to gather information related to the subject of the research carried out. Some of these methods use numerical, and others use empirical methods to gather the necessary information, which results in qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research has a complete aim to obtain a...

Bias in Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Both qualitative and quantitative researchers admit that the potential for bias does exist in research. However, they uphold diverse positions on the probability of bias significantly influencing their research results. They also have different points of view on the probability of successfully eliminating bias in research. Most researchers, who engage...

Case Study and Interview in Social Research

The two broad categories of research are qualitative and quantitative methods. These two categories build knowledge and can be used to complement each other. Qualitative research employs methodologies that use inductive processes in a bid to investigate issues, explore ideas, and illustrate interpretations (Denzin & Lincoln, 2011). These methodologies are...

Mixed Research Designs

Introduction The mixed research approach usually entails the use of two research methods which are the qualitative and quantitative methods. The two are applied to one study or several studies that are related. After doing the research, the researcher integrates the two findings. Different research approaches have their own strengths...

Research Process, Elements, and Techniques

Applied Research and Basic Research The context of the study and the research rationale differentiate applied research from basic research. The purpose of a basic study is to increase knowledge in administration and business processes while applied research seeks to improve the understanding of a given business or managerial problem....

Qualitative Design Chart

Introduction Quantitative and qualitative research methods are the two main forms of research designs in the scientific investigations. Qualitative research design is a form of a scientific investigation approach that allows researchers to collect primary data from participants, to produce a descriptive account about a practice or phenomenon (Baxter &...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods

Qualitative and Quantitative Study for Dissertation A dissertation is a document, which allows a learner or a professional to take a step forward in the way of their career. Thus, they must prepare a high-quality paper, which contributes to the field. To reach this goal, the learners conduct researchers of...

Natural Selection and Sexual Selection in Evolution

Introduction The terms ‘Natural selection’ and ‘sexual selection’ are important in understanding the process of evolution in different species and how they adapt to different environments. In evolution, the ideology of selection remains one of the predominant theories in explaining the origins and development of organisms. This argues that it...

The Nebular Model of the Solar System

The origin of the universe has been one of the biggest mysteries modern science has been unable to conclusively explain. The solar system is believed to have been formed many years ago, probably 4.5 billion years. Although its formation and evolution are not well understood, the facts are quite well...

Asteroids as Evidence of Solar System Formation

Introduction The solar system consists of a number of objects and elements. Among them are the sun, comets, asteroids, planets, stars and interplanetary dust. The solar system is said to have been formed about 4.6 billion years ago. Among the object that are said to form the solar system, asteroids...

Team Cognition in Complex Engineering Tasks: Study

Article critique on Lee, M., & Johnson, T. E. (2008). Understanding the effects of team cognition associated with complex engineering tasks: Dynamics of shared mental models, Task‐SMM, and Team‐SMM. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 21(3), 73-95. Research questions The key research question used in the study was: How do Team-SMM and Task-SMM vary?...

Qualitative Versus Quantitative Research Designs

Introduction Qualitative studies differ from quantitative studies in numerous ways. For instance, qualitative studies are usually aimed at explaining issues. In this regard, it focuses on a range of ideas that talk about the same topic. For instance, the article on Military families discusses impact of military deployment on families....