Government Excellence Model and Employee Satisfaction


The paper examines the relationship between the Government Excellence Model of the UAE and employee satisfaction. Based on the research questions posed and the literature review as the key data collection tool, the credible findings are summarized. According to the analysis of reliable academic sources, relevant conclusions are drawn about a direct correlation between the model under consideration and employee satisfaction. The main aspects of the program are considered from the standpoint of influence on the given parameter, and the reasons for the implementation of the model are described. Appropriate recommendations are given to local organizations to improve their effectiveness.


The participation of government boards in the coordination of the labor market is an essential aspect that affects the quality of work, companies’ performance, and employee satisfaction. As an example of the national strategy to create an enabling environment for sustainable development and governance at different levels, the Government Excellence Model (GEM 2.0) of the UAE will be reviewed. The purpose is to identify the relationship between the GEM 2.0 and employee satisfaction as one of the critical indicators of the effectiveness of labor market control. Finding the positive impact of this model on the given criterion can help prove the relevance of the measures taken at the national level to stimulate the productivity of the workforce and improve the quality of activities in various areas.

Research Questions

To reveal the relationship between the GEM 2.0 and employee satisfaction in the UAE, qualitative research questions can be used. Based on the collection of data from credible sources, relevant findings may help provide answers and explain the key impacts. Given the need to prove a positive correlation and justify the importance of flexible government control over the labor market, the following questions can be asked:

  1. What aspects of the GEM 2.0 influence employee satisfaction the most?
  2. Why should the UAE government promote its GEM 2.0 in the labor market?

Research Methodology and Data Collection

As a research methodology, a literature review is utilized as a mechanism to collect relevant and valid findings from reliable sources on the issue in question. According to Al Suwaidi (2019, p. 1462), this topic deserves detailed analysis because, “although UAE government staffs has shown an increase in employee happiness and job satisfaction, there is still significant room for continuous improvement”. Given the importance of assessing the impacts of government agencies on the sustainability and productivity of the labor market, collecting credible data can help provide an objective view of the situation. In addition, as Benuyenah and Pandya (2020) note, measuring employee organizational happiness and job satisfaction requires adequate and unbiased measurement to eliminate the potential subjectivity of the assessment. Analyzing the available academic sources can help identify the range of research findings in this field, evaluate individual authors’ positions on the impact of the GEM 2.0 on employee satisfaction, and highlight specific effects. Therefore, using a literature review as an approach to collecting data and answering the set research questions is a reasonable solution in the context of the topic under consideration.

Literature Review

The goal of the GEM 2.0 is to inspire the UAE government entities to constantly move towards better control over various areas, including the labor market. AlZawati, Alsyouf, and Bashir (2020) compare this national program with similar European policies and note the similarities in terms of how they are perceived by local employees. The authors argue that the GEM 2.0 was originally designed for close interaction between the authorities and the public sector, which indicates a targeted activity to create an optimized environment (AlZawati, Alsyouf, and Bashir, 2020). By addressing employees’ needs and taking into account aspects of productivity, competitiveness, and other criteria of the labor market, the program in question allows for meeting the needs of the workforce, thereby increasing employee satisfaction. In their research, Alamiri et al. (2020) also compare the UAE program with excellence models from other countries and note that, due to its focus on human capital and assets management, this program allows the needs of the labor market to be met comprehensively. Therefore, from a targeted work perspective, the program in question taps into the relevant factors associated with increased employee satisfaction.

The continuous drive towards innovation and improvement in government leadership positively correlates with employee satisfaction due to providing workers with ample career opportunities. As Salah and Salah (2019, p. 123) state, “employee participation and empowerment” are the prominent features of the GEM 2.0 program. These factors are effective initiatives to strengthen the interaction between employers and employees, which, in turn, stimulates job satisfaction. According to Zairi (2019), the UAE government transfers knowledge and builds sustainable strategies for sharing experiences with organizational leaders. Under such conditions, employees feel supported by the authorities and direct supervisors and are sufficiently motivated to perform work duties responsibly, which directly correlates with job satisfaction.

Along with the provisions of the GEM 2.0, some additional aspects need to be taken into account to ensure that this model has a positive impact on employee satisfaction. AlZawati, Bashir, and Alsyouf (2020) highlight leadership commitment as one of the significant criteria associated with employee well-being. According to the authors, the heads of structural units act as the transmitters of government instructions to subordinates, thereby ensuring a stable mode of interaction within a vertical hierarchical model (AlZawati, Bashir, and Alsyouf, 2020). By utilizing the example of the police in Abu Dhabi, Almansoori and Jabar (2021) evaluate the factor of leadership support and its role in employee engagement and operational excellence. Thus, individual management criteria largely determine the sustainability of the GEM 2.0 program in the context of the considered relationship with job satisfaction.

Discussion and Conclusions

Based on the conducted literature review, the relevant findings support a positive correlation between the GEM 2.0 principles and employee satisfaction. Promoting innovative management practices, empowerment, and engagement are the most significant aspects influencing the productivity and well-being of the workforce in the UAE labor market. Implementing this model at the national level makes it possible to create sustainable communication and knowledge exchange between the authorities and individual organizations, which has a positive effect on employee satisfaction. The GEM 2.0 justifies its relevance in the context of modern, flexible principles of government control and contributes to enhancing employees’ competencies through motivation for continuous professional growth.


Given the principles and provisions of the GEM 2.0 in the context of its impacts on the labor market, some recommendations can be made regarding the opportunities for improving the UAE companies’ organizational efficiency. Firstly, business owners should promote employee empowerment practices to strengthen engagement and meet the national program’s provisions. Secondly, leadership support should be a mandatory aspect of HRM policies within organizations. Thirdly, a free dialogue between subordinates and managers is crucial in creating an enabling environment for high performance and enhancing employee loyalty and job satisfaction.

Reference List

Alamiri, M. et al. (2020) ‘The moderating role of the innovation on the relationship between achievement, enablers, and organizational excellence: organizational and business excellence model’, International Journal of Management and Human Science (IJMHS), 4(2), pp. 1-10.

Almansoori, A. E. S. and Jabar, J. (2021) ‘Developing conceptual operational excellence model to achieve citizen satisfaction services in Abu Dhabi police’, Review of International Geographical Education Online, 11(5), pp. 4382-4392.

AlZawati, O. K., Alsyouf, I. and Bashir, H. (2020) ‘An exploratory study of common issues and key differences between the European Foundation for Quality Management and the United Arab Emirates Public Sector Excellence Model: public sector organisation results’, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 11(6), pp. 1156-1169.

AlZawati, O. K., Bashir, H. and Alsyouf, I. (2020) ‘Modelling and analyzing of critical success factors for implementing UAE’s Government Excellence Model in the public sector: an ISM and Fuzzy-MICMAC approach’, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 11(6), pp. 1107-1132.

Al Suwaidi, E. Y. (2019) ‘An evaluation on the factors influencing happiness at working environment in UAE government entities: a literature review’, Open Journal of Business and Management, 7(3), pp. 1460-1470.

Benuyenah, V. and Pandya, B. (2020) ‘Measuring employee happiness in the UAE – integrating organisational data into the national statistics’, International Review of Management and Marketing, 10(3), pp. 83-92.

Salah, S. and Salah, D. (2019) ‘Comparison between the UAE Government Excellence System, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and European Foundation for Quality Management model: implications for excellence models’, International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 4(3-4), pp. 121-131.

Zairi, M. (2019) ‘Shaping the future of government through excellence: how the UAE Government has taken lead’, International Journal of Excellence in Government, 1(1), pp. 2-7.

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