The Acme Toy Company Decision-Making

The only way to comprehend “ethical decision-making” is to dissect it. How should ethics be defined? Business dictionary defines ethics as the “fundamental notions and basic principles of decent human behavior.” It follows that the capacity to make choices based on fundamental or core tenets of healthy human behavior constitutes ethical decision-making (Tabash et al., 2022). At Acme Toy Company, people rely on staff members of all ranks to choose the “correct” course of action in terms of both professional and personal conduct. In what ways can we help people make moral choices? This report’s goal is to give Acme Toy Company two tactics one may use to foster ethical decision-making within our organization and make sure it happens at all levels. The company’s formal draft of its code of ethics, which specifies expected behavior for all employees and at the corporate level, is called Acme. the business operations and ethical decision-making will be supported by the Code of Ethics, which will serve as the framework for both.

The Acme Toy Company would benefit from a code of ethics in that it would serve as a guide and aid in the understanding of appropriate behavior at all levels of the organization; it would be used for the evaluation processes of not only our employees but also our day-to-day operational business practices; and it would also ensure that when we make decisions on behalf of the company, they are consistent with the company’s philosophy (Toppi et al., 2019). By putting two tactics into practice—creating a document called the Acme Code of Ethics to serve as a guide for all employees and designating a job for a Code of Ethics Compliance Manager—we cannot only enable but also ensure this ability in our firm. A person’s job is to ensure that all employees uphold Acme Toy Company’s ethical standards and that ethical judgments are used at all levels.

A significant health issue in the United States is acute burn injuries. There is a higher chance of substantial morbidity and mortality with a burn injury as total body surface area (TBSA) rises. The overall survival rate and functional recovery of patients with severe burn injuries have recently increased thanks to advances in knowledge and care. 2 Large-scale burn injuries, however, are linked to difficult moral and physical problems. Because it is not always obvious whether acute burn patients can make informed decisions, the care of burn patients frequently entails ethical considerations relating to assessing decision-making capacity or substitute decision-making. Further factors that need to be considered include medical futility, quality of life, end-of-life care, and resource allocation.

Healthcare practitioners can resolve ethical problems that emerge during clinical care using a variety of frameworks. The one offered by Childress and Beauchamp is the most well-known. Four moral principles—respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice—are used in this framework to frame ethical considerations (Lysaght et al 2019). Because of how closely its values seem to comport with our moral principles, this paradigm has gained much traction. It also provides an approach that is useful for teaching and examining ethical dilemmas. However, this approach does have a drawback in that there is scant empirical evidence that people apply the four principles when making moral choices.


Lysaght, T., Lim, H. Y., Xafis, V., & Ngiam, K. Y. (2019). AI-assisted decision-making in healthcare. Asian Bioethics Review, 11(3), 299-314.

Tabash, M. I., Alam, M. K., & Rahman, M. M. (2022). Ethical legitimacy of Islamic banks and Shariah governance: evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(2), e2487.

Toppi, J., Cleland, H., & Gabbe, B. (2019). Severe burns in Australian and New Zealand adults: Epidemiology and burn centre care. Burns, 45(6), 1456-1461.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 23). The Acme Toy Company Decision-Making.

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