The Importance of Technology in Today’s Visual Communication Process

Visual communication is one of the most impressive technologies responsible for transmitting visual information at a distance that can range from a few meters to thousands of kilometers. Moreover, visual communication is essential not only for personal communication, such as with friends or with relatives and relatives. Visual communication is also vital for business, business meetings, and maintaining control over the work of hired employees.

Visual communication also has goals that aim to improve or maintain the relationship of two or more parties. Lee and Kim (2018) report that “the main purpose of communication is to inform or share facts, ideas, and opinions for desired actions between the sender and the receiver” (p. 531). Thus, due to the development of technology in the modern process of visual communication, it is convenient for a person to keep in touch with other people. At the same time, business people can more clearly understand the material that the partners are trying to convey. Visual information is absorbed much faster than any other type of information (Lee & Kim, 2018).

Therefore, visual communication is one of the most accessible and acceptable types of information exchange. Furthermore, a significant factor in communication between people is accurate information, not distorted by false facts or misunderstandings. Therefore, modern technologies that make visual information even more convenient to use are the main engines of communication between people.

Technologies that develop modern and innovative designs for even more accurate expression of information also make visual communication more advantageous than others. Since with the help of speech communication, despite the vast number of advantages, the informant can not always accurately, concisely and demonstrate the communication style of the sender of information. Simultaneously, visual communication has all of the above benefits relative to other types of communication.


Lee, N., & Kim, Y. (2018). A Conceptual Framework for Effective Communication in Construction Management: Information Processing and Visual Communication. Construction Research Congress 2018. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 11). The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process.

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"The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process." AssignZen, 11 Apr. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. "The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'The Importance of Technology in Today's Visual Communication Process'. 11 April.

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